Example sentences of "be [adj] [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Pressing , as her distresses are , if I did not think her heart was rightly turned , I should be afraid of proposing such a measure , lest it should unsettle the sobriety of her mind , and , by exciting her vanity , indispose her for the laborious employments of her humble condition ; but it would be cruel to imagine that we can not mend her fortune without impairing her virtue .
2 It would be hypocritical to assert that the public sector provides better standards .
3 In practice , if there is any doubt whether it is appropriate to charge theft or obtaining property by deception , it will be natural to charge the latter ; and in our opinion it would be wise to do so , because this will be a much easier offence to establish than is the present offence of obtaining by false pretences , as it will be unnecessary to show that the owner was deceived into intentionally passing the ownership but sufficient to show that he was tricked into parting with the possession .
4 Also , it will be usual to say that there will be no claim if the liability arose from acts of the acquirer or target ( after completion only ) which are outside the ordinary course of business or undertaken in the knowledge that they will create liability .
5 In this case the cynics might be right to say that pigs will fly .
6 For them it may be right to say that no conceivable circumstance in their lives would change the nature of their convictions .
7 My hon. Friend the Member for Buckingham ( Mr. Walden ) must be right to say that pay should increasingly be linked to performance .
8 And so it would not be right to say that we 're not looking after the local element of the population .
9 It may be right to guess that Athens ' ambitious foreign policy of this period , which includes diplomacy with a non-Greek town far in the interior of Sicily ( ML 37 = Fornara 81 , an alliance with Segesta in 457 ) , was forced on her by the need to seek alternative supplies of corn , because her usual overseas sources had for some reason become precarious .
10 Mr Rowland may be right to think that the worst is over ; it is increasingly recognised that to expect the insurance industry to foot the entire bill for pollution would bankrupt it .
11 The Liberal Democrats will be depressed to see that only 40pc of Alliance voters in 1987 are now ready to vote for Peter Bergg .
12 ‘ It would be dishonest to pretend that the NSPCC is making any significant impact on the problem — even they would not claim it . ’
13 It would be rash to state that people never misbehaved themselves sexually .
14 It might be rash to conclude that all that represents a rejection of radicalism ; better , perhaps , to say that it is the sense of radicalism itself that changed .
15 It would be rash to conclude that interviews have no role to play in evaluation .
16 The decision in Chamberlain was also followed and referred to in Vestey v IRC 31 TC 1 but Lord Reid did give a warning : The ingenuity of those who devise these schemes is such that it might be rash to say that property can never be comprised in a settlement unless it is charged with rights in favour of others , but I think as a general rule this must now be the test .
17 The ingenuity of those who devise those schemes is such that it might be rash to say that property could never be comprised in the settlement unless it is charged with rights in favour of others , but I think that as a general rule this must now be the test .
18 " Clearly it would be rash to assume that Shakespeare knew of this earlier version . "
19 For if God could have made the world work in any number of ways , would it not always be presumptuous to pretend that one had actually pinned Him down ?
20 Those BCRS members who attended our Silver Wedding party at the Gwili Railway will be sorry to hear that Roger Lote , who was the fireman that day , died suddenly on Friday 18th January .
21 I know members will be sorry to hear that Mr Robert and Mr Ken are both unwell and will wish me to convey to them the council 's best wishes for a speedy recovery .
22 And I see it as part of my problem in education is to erm , change the attitudes of the the boys who are , you know , at a very young , and I 'll be sorry to think that in ten years time they would still be having erm the rather arrogant attitudes that they have !
23 Rightly or wrongly we believed that as long as we were discriminated in every walk of life it would be absurd to pretend that everything was OK in rugby and play against the English and then go back to the township .
24 It would , however , be absurd to complain that Blunden and Mellor chiefly admire skill in a poet .
25 It would be absurd to claim that this day is already near .
26 It would be absurd to say that they have become one .
27 Nowadays , with the boundary between mass and energy abolished , the advantage might be said to have passed to ch'i ; yet it would be absurd to suggest that the Chinese have been proved right , since the advantages and disadvantages depend on which problems happen to be current .
28 There is nothing to suggest any direct seigneurial interest in the plot or characters of the tale ; although the comedy of Dame Sirith does at least assume knowledge and recognition of the conventions of chivalric behaviour , it would be absurd to suggest that knowledge of such conventions was socially limited in any significant way in the later thirteenth century .
29 It would be possible to acknowledge that this type of emotional layer exists in human beings , and that it finds expression in the brutality men are capable of inflicting on one another .
30 On reflection it should be possible to see that all sterling remittances and receipts to and from abroad will be transacted using sterling accounts in UK banks which are the property of banks located abroad .
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