Example sentences of "be [verb] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 For more on how these roles can be blended into a successful group , see Groups on page 77 and Teams on page 161 .
2 Moreover , there is a danger than data that presented very little pattern originally can be smoothed into an artefactually interesting story ; exercise 9.4 has been designed to enable you to explore this point .
3 The trouble with nuclear power is that its ‘ costs ’ always have the potential to go well beyond the point where they can be factored into an environmental bill .
4 The money that currently goes into forcing less-talented cricketers into retirement can be redirected into the purses of these cricketer' wives , who can thus get all the jobs done that their sporting husbands have not found time for .
5 Learners acquire a particular language by receiving comprehensible input , that is to say by being exposed to messages expressed in language which is within the current acquired competence of the learners , together with language which is due to appear in the next stage of acquisition , and which can be eased into the mind by the help of context , knowledge of the world and so on .
6 It is at this stage that a major computer study may be undertaken into the integrity of the proposed design , in terms of function , strength , economics , etc .
7 Lord , such a sight : the casket which held Becket 's body was encased in sheets of solid gold and , over the years , devout pilgrims had brought sapphires , diamonds , pearls and small rubies to be fastened into the goldwork as homage to the saint .
8 The trade union legislation introduced in Britain in the past decade has enabled the expression of a variety of worker attitudes to unionization , because it has ensured that workers can not be coerced into a union and it has also increased union democracy .
9 One , is there not a way in which your good tool could be perverted , and two , since this tool must inevitably be given into the hands of the people you despise for their aggressiveness and bad inheritance and rearing , how do you expect them to use it ?
10 He laid aside his paper and allowed himself to be lulled into a rhythmical vacuity by the swaying of the ambulance .
11 ‘ If they are not accurate , drivers can be lulled into a false sense of security .
12 Just because Ben Nevis is a popular peak do n't be lulled into a false sense of security — it 's a peak worthy of respect and in snow and mist should only be tackled by experienced walkers .
13 The Booksellers and Publishers Associations are concerned that the trade and the public will be lulled into a false sense of security by recent press reports that the Prime Minister is taking control of economic policy and that he is widely believed to be against increasing taxes , including VAT .
14 Had she allowed herself to be lulled into a false sense of security ?
15 Something was wrong ; she should have listened to her instincts , not allowed herself to be lulled into a false security by the normal appearance of the flat .
16 Well away from the motorway now , each new place quickly gave way to further forest and , just as Jenna was beginning to be lulled into a strange peace by the dappled sunlight of the place , the soothing green of nature , the car turned on to a narrow road and began to climb steadily .
17 Any such takeover policy must deal in a coherent manner with three essential legal issues , which must be formed into a consistent and effective system to have the necessary business objectives .
18 The difference between the fragmentation described by Braverman and that analysed by Stone is that the former came about in order to de-skill and control through Tayloristic practices , while the latter came about partly in order to create a range of jobs which could be formed into a job ladder .
19 We , the subscribers to this Memorandum of Association , wish to be formed into a Company pursuant to this Memorandum ; and we agree to take the number of shares shown opposite our respective names .
20 We , the subscribers to this Memorandum of Association , wish to be formed into a Company pursuant to this Memorandum ; and we agree to take the number of shares shown opposite our respective names .
21 In a letter to the council , Stuart McHardy of the campaign wrote that stones from all over Scotland and other parts of the world would be formed into a cairn on 10 April to mark the first anniversary of the Vigil for a Scottish Parliament on Regent Road .
22 CARL Llewellyn will be tucking into a hearty breakfast of bacon and eggs before he sets out to win Saturday 's Hennessy Gold Gold Cup on Captain Dibble .
23 His friend Max Jacob was just about to be received into the Catholic church when he became entangled in the affairs of Modi and Beatrice .
24 The Catholic Media Office said 2,094 made the formal request to be received into the Church at the cathedral services .
25 Aside from those who were involved in intellectual and political movements it was an open question how far mental health experts would be received into the bosom of the target population .
26 He might see the light and be received into the Faith . ’
27 Three adults who have been prepared by this group will be received into the Church at the Easter Vigil .
28 In the parable of the unjust steward , our Lord applauds the cleverness , astuteness and prudence of the unjust steward and in conclusion addresses his listeners , ‘ Use your worldly wealth to win friends for yourselves so that when money is a thing of the past you may be received into an eternal home ’ ( Luke 16:9 ) .
29 On the back , quite without superficial decoration , the artist has concentrated on revealing the forms of the body , not adapted to a linear pattern but swelling in majestic simplicity under the smooth cloak which originally veiled the hair and falls almost to the ankles , held in the right hand and brought round under the left elbow to be tucked into the belt in front .
30 Add the flour gradually , beating all the time , until the dough is still soft and sticky but can be gathered into a ball .
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