Example sentences of "be [verb] of [det] " in BNC.

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1 In addition to , I shall arrange for a review to be undertaken of all discretionary life sentence cases with a first formal review date of January 1988 or later .
2 As much notice as possible will be given of such changes .
3 The Public Order Act does not require notice to be given of such assemblies nor is there any power to ban .
4 This approach is convenient , and we shall often have recourse to it ; however , it has disadvantages ( even supposing that a fully adequate account can be given of such notions as ‘ the class of dogs ’ ) .
5 What gives a name as a name its special status is that it represents the transcendence " of the object relative to any particular description that might be given of that object .
6 Where there are non-equity minority interests a description should be given of any rights of holders of the shares against other group companies , for example in respect of guarantees .
7 Clear indication should be given of any areas of uncertainty that may impact significantly on the amount of the offer ;
8 Paragraph 29/10/1(f) of the 1993 White Book recommends that the affidavit should explain why the plaintiff needs an interim payment and details should be given of any special needs and hardship .
9 It is therefore still not entirely clear whether the requirement is for special notice of " unusual " or " unreasonable " terms , but insofar as Dillon LJ referred to " particularly onerous " terms , it seems that after Interfoto special notice must be given of any clause which is unusual or unreasonable .
10 This theory requires an account to be given of this central distinction .
11 Two examples can be given of this .
12 We have no record of Gillray defending himself in this way against charges of inconsistency , but an example can be given of another public figure of those times .
13 The signs are that more and more will be heard of this gift as we approach the end of the millennium .
14 Defendants who are found guilty of any drug-selling offence may be stripped of all their assets , including any means of legitimate livelihood , on the presumption that all their wealth is the proceeds of crime .
15 Certainly it is not to be supposed of all situations : for a start , we do not have a single conception of truth but rather at least two conceptions , those of analytic and synthetic truth .
16 Investigation may well be done by a sub-committee but the deciding authority must then be apprised of that material .
17 In particular they need to be reminded of that combination of unashamed materialism and gnarled , disbelieving scepticism about the power of political parties to give effect to Utopia which is characteristic of a certain type of Conservatism .
18 It was re-named the West Course because sensitive Japanese visitors did not wish to be reminded of that infamous stretch where thousands of servicemen died .
19 Lord Reid agreed that " corrupt is a strong word and the jury ought to be reminded of that
20 He has known no want either materially or of a mother 's love for you have supplied both abundantly and he will be reminded of this all his life you can be sure .
21 The Navigator was remembering that Jaq might be attired right now as one kind of person , whereas actually he was someone else entirely … and Googol needed to be reminded of this .
22 Stephen did n't much like to be reminded of this in public .
23 Local authorities may sometimes need to be reminded of this .
24 Such understanding is necessary , not simply to assess realistically what can and can not be expected of such informal care , but also to develop the formal sector of care in a way which takes account of the prevailing norms of a given area .
25 Some are further ahead than others , but what will probably be expected of most authorities is some sort of erm perhaps a handbook or certainly some advice to parents about the implications of the new Act .
26 ‘ You did all that could be expected of any man , ’ said the abbot firmly .
27 Now , this is , to some extent this is perhaps to be expected of any group which is erm which runs the risk of being persecuted and then , they will be
28 She did not look as if she might be dying of some dreadful disease .
29 Finally , the citizen must , if true to his quality , be possessed of some civic virtue .
30 Although the Commissioners from the counties required to be possessed of a freehold within the county which they represented , there was no necessity after the Union for a person who represented the City of Edinburgh , or any of the fourteen Districts into which the other burghs were divided , to be possessed of any property within the burgh .
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