Example sentences of "be [verb] for having " in BNC.

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1 In this sense it is an addictive illness although , unlike other addictions such as drug taking , the sufferer is not to be blamed for having allowed herself to become addicted .
2 Three or four bedded rooms usually mean a twin bedded room with extra folding beds ( or bunk-beds ) which means you need to be prepared for having less space in the room .
3 There is something to be said for having a well-fed appearance . ’
4 There is also much to be said for having a target for completion from the outset and for planning in advance the sequence of meetings that will result in that target being met .
5 We er are fortunate enough in having a training scheme , in fact we were able to elect our first pensioner representative trustee two years ago and he is with us today , we 've just had another election and er two this time were elected , they will be trained , they had er Mr Hill had a two-day training by our actuaries er Watsons which are a big company , er but in talking to him about it he felt there was a lot to be said for having continued training , not just at the beginning of a two or three-year stint , but successively later .
6 Whether you are attracted to the beauty and tranquillity of Lake Saimaa or the historic and cultural wealth of Leningrad , perestroika can be thanked for having opened up a fascinating new cruising ground accessible to those looking for fresh places to visit , as well as being a potential charter area .
7 Moreover , the committee , to be commended for having conducted its extensive researches and drawn its conclusions within a few months , has the advantage of immediacy over the Clark and Palmer committees , which sat over so long a period , in a rapidly changing environment , that eventually no one who was still able to recall the original brief was sure whether it was still relevant to the prevailing situation .
8 ‘ Antrim Borough Council need to be commended for having the guts to take the case and see it through .
9 The Canadian who wrote to him hit the bull 's eye and the words deserve memorising : ‘ Long after the medallists have faded from our minds , you will be remembered for having finished , for having tried so hard . ’
10 Somehow or other I managed to learn these lessons , becoming anxious to please and to be praised for having pleased .
11 If however a special diet has been recommended by the doctor , you should of course see that it is possible for her to adhere strictly to this , and if she is amongst those who enjoy various products from Health Food shops she should not be criticised for having fads .
12 Thus Terence Davies is to be congratulated for having ‘ wrenched high art from the lower depths of his deprived Liverpool childhood ’ ( The Mail on Sunday , 16 October 1988 ) , which is a ‘ recreation devoutly to be wished ’ and not least because ‘ he has done it without rancour ’ ( how typically British ) .
13 But there is always a price to be paid for having such riches at such a young age , says top psychologist Dr David Lewis .
14 The [ draft ] FRS is based on the principle that debt should be accounted for having regard to all the payments required by the debt , irrespective of their legal description , in determining the appropriate finance charge and capital repayment for each accounting period .
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