Example sentences of "be [verb] [that] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 He seemed to be suggesting that once Balbinder had been at Cedars for a while , he might be capable of re-entering mainstream education at middle school transfer .
2 According to a Pakistani commentary , Shahi appeared to be suggesting that once the neutrality of the area was ensured by the regional states pursuing a policy of strict non-alignment , the superpowers could perhaps be persuaded to work towards some sort of mutual accommodation .
3 It must be recognized that while relatives almost certainly do not cause mental disorder , the emotional atmosphere of the household certainly influences the course of the disorder .
4 It may here also be explained that after the main source of the Fleet was diverted , the portion of it which originally formed the boundary of the site granted for the building of the College , became a stagnant Ditch , which in process of time dried up , and that , with the addition of gravel and earth , a dry path from the College to the Professor 's house was thus constructed .
5 It should be explained that while the above three communities were primarily concerned with economic matters , it was always anticipated that the process of integrating economies would spill over into the political sphere .
6 Since the plaintiff is a prime contributor , it must be realised that whilst it is important to utilise what advantages are possessed , there is considerable pressure on him or her as well .
7 At the outset it should be emphasized that while the index is constructed from Japanese data , it is unlikely that it will simply capture Japanese investment alone in estimation .
8 Before commencing it should be emphasized that when a geologist talks of a volcano having been recently active , he means that it has been active within the last ten thousand years .
9 It will be recalled that except in cases of manifest homicide , death in general is attributed to witchcraft .
10 Finally , in this regard it should be recalled that although gluten sensitivity never presents with rectal bleeding , patients were seen to develop an acute erythematous/haemorrhagic proctitis after massive rectal challenge with gluten or its derivatives .
11 ( It should be recalled that when he first appeared in Hanoi in August , everyone asked ‘ Who is Ho Chi Minh ? ’ )
12 It should not however be supposed that because of the equitable nature of these rights a bona fide purchaser for value will be protected .
13 A solution might be to accept that while public policy in general can not be confined to considerations of economic efficiency , it is inappropriate for competition policy to examine wider social costs and benefits .
14 It should be added that though this book is about BR , the 1980s also saw the opening of the last section of the Tyne & Wear Metro in March 1984 and the launch of the stillexpanding Docklands Light Railway in July 1987 .
15 But it must be added that as the profits rolled in — and they were very substantial in our period — the temptation of decorations , titles , intermarriage with the nobility and in general an aristocratic life style was not often resisted by the rich .
16 It might be added that when text is input for phonological analysis these problems are if anything magnified , and for these purely practical reasons it was possible in , for example , the Belfast project , to use computers only in a very limited way for text processing ( as opposed to computation , where various statistical packages were extensively used ) .
17 It can also be added that if these steps deform towards more negative values of ε-ζ ( around -100° rather than their naturally stable values of roughly -30° ) the associated inter-proton distances hardly change , however the sugar phases resemble those of the B II state and are therefore once again in disagreement with the NMR data .
18 It may be added that where facts are given from which the negligence or unreasonableness ( or absence of it ) may be inferred , you should argue from these facts in much the same way as if you were addressing a jury .
19 It would be expected that if there was no right field advantage for a stimulus then the RFA would be aproximately 0.5 as the values for the left and right visual field would be about the same .
20 It might be expected that where such clonal growth is possible , the struggle for existence over long periods of stable management would lead to the local dominance of single clones — those that had succeeded in a struggle for existence with others .
21 It is therefore to be expected that where an animal had been classified as ferae naturae at common law it will be regarded as belonging to a dangerous species under the Act ( e.g .
22 But it may perhaps be expected that where true grounds are that the police officer fears ‘ serious disruption to the life of the community ’ his order will say so .
23 It should not be forgotten that although India has made remarkable economic progress over the last thirty years , it is still a Third World country in which enormous numbers of people live in conditions of severe poverty .
24 In analysing these figures , which are detailed in Tables 2 and 3 , below , it must not be forgotten that since the Survey was conducted in summer , the proportion of visitors from outside Edinburgh will be higher than at other times of the year .
25 It should not be forgotten that where structural alterations are made to licensed premises the approval of the licensing justices is required in addition to planning permission .
26 ( Although it should not be forgotten that when systems do collapse or explode — like the communist system in Eastern Europe in the late 1990s and early 1990s , or the system of order within Strangeways in 1990 — it tends to happen with great suddenness . )
27 Moreover , it should not be forgotten that if the teacher is " a resource " as well as books , audio-visual materials and three-dimensional items , then a similar claim can very properly be made for items of resource equipment .
28 It must not be forgotten that if the wife or third party is assuming the mortgage debt , so that the husband is released , the amount of the debt assumed in addition to the cash consideration will be subject to stamp duty ( Stamp Act 1891 , s57 ) .
29 It must be stressed that after a certain time has elapsed , individuals will interact with the researcher just as they will with anyone else , notwithstanding the possible inhibiting effect of recording equipment .
30 It must be stressed that although a natural condition can not give rise to liability under the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher it may still constitute a nuisance for which an occupier may be liable if he has knowledge or means of knowledge of its existence and if it is reasonable to require him to take the necessary steps to abate it .
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