Example sentences of "be [verb] [pers pn] up " in BNC.

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1 Well a cos then you can pick them up altogether if , are you with me , if you 're doing the rounds for your friends cos some of them 'll be on there and some 'll be Pick them up from the front , it 's just that some of the stuff will be at the front and some of it wo n't .
2 The Church should not be helping him up , but helping him over : false optimism does not need a helping hand ; it needs firstly the truth , and secondly love to salve the lost illusions and move on to a fuller humanity ( Walker 1986 : 214 ) .
3 It 's been fairly blustery the odd day but there 's frost and especially the snow that they 've had down further south it seems to be helping us up here I would say and it 's with the with the land work especially got the slurry and stuff of that kind .
4 No no , so everybody should be given it up till then to pay anyway should n't they ?
5 I hope , and I shall be bringing it up at the next police committee , that we will commit ourselves to that initiative will a view to bringing in those two pilot schemes in the county and extending it at a later date .
6 I just worry , as usual , that I shall be mopping you up for months to come . ’
7 Alain was getting quite hot under the collar and Dieter seemed to be winding him up on purpose . ’
8 He was supposed to be fattening them up , but instead , the cattle were starving , one was being attacked by rats , and the sheep were penned in broken glass with no food or water .
9 " I thought now was supposed to be the marvellous time , and we 're all meant to be living it up , burning the candle at both ends , finding out what we want to do with our lives . "
10 In other words , sacramenta procta hominas the sacraments are for the good of men and woman , of course the hominas in Latin includes both , it 's inclusive language for the sake of er well of certain persons who will be picking me up
11 Do n't be picking me up .
12 they might be picking you up , at ten o'clock
13 I would n't be filling them up if they were n't blank , are they all blank ?
14 Emma is always asking when we will go back , and our only worry now is that in a few years she will probably be waking us up at dawn on icy mornings , saying : ‘ Shall we go down the black run first ? ’
15 Could the real purpose of Sandra 's visit to the doctor 's be to fix her up with contraception ?
16 She was a large animal and any minute now , Julia thought , he would be holding her up .
17 I am sorry to be holding you up .
18 They believe that reality ‘ points beyond itself ’ in the sort of way that the pile of books points beyond itself , in that we know something must be holding it up or it would fall .
19 ‘ They 'll be calling him up soon enough , ’ said a corporal to his mate in a loud whisper from the far side of the carriage .
20 Oh somebody 'll be doing it up themselves .
21 Mm yes , but even her spare bedroom needs , she could be doing it up and renting that one .
22 They 'd got babies on their back , and they 'd be swinging them up over their hips .
23 ‘ No , they be taking him up the churchyard to see if ‘ e likes it . ’
24 I am still very shaken and will be taking it up with the American authorities . ’
25 I have informally intimated to British Gas that we 'll be taking it up with them , not as a mere procedural matter through the joint secretary 's machinery , but as a negotiating matter , with the negotiating committee .
26 We 've lost sponsorship for our next exhibition [ on contemporary European architecture ] and we will be putting it up ourselves with students to guard it .
27 The band was tight , but everyone else had seemed to be making it up as they went along .
28 You should n't be lifting it up and putting it at back of your head !
29 In Get Richie Quick ! , the hero 's ex-wife Lola asks him to find some missing family documents and turns out to be setting him up to take the blame for a series of axe murders she 's been committing since she was six years old .
30 The opponent may be setting you up by turning his leading foot inwards .
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