Example sentences of "with the [noun prp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The vast body of experimental data which has been accumulated in support of SR can be reconciled with the SEP by making the inference , as Einstein did , that physics in free fall must be consistent with SR .
2 His work in Scotland dealt partly with Carboniferous fossils , especially ostracods , and was also concerned with the Jurassic of Skye .
3 In the past some craft-trading had been carried on beyond the vicinity , but this and nearly all other economic ties with the Ukraine to the south and their fellow Great Russians to the north had stopped .
4 I was delighted by Paddy Porter 's first instalment on Life with the Washington in your excellent magazine .
5 At the end of his mayoralty he founded six almshouses at St Helen 's Bishopsgate , with the Skinners as trustees , and in May 1553 he obtained letters patent for the erection of a free school , Tonbridge School , again with the Skinners ' Company as trustees .
6 On 22 June , 1980 , I gave Bernie lunch at the Travellers Club , and we spent three hours recalling the Good Old Days of radio broadcasting with the CBC in Canada .
7 contrasted with the Mississippi as ‘ the awakening from a terrible vision to cheerful realities ’ .
8 Her education is unknown , although both parents had connections with the Seymours of Syon House .
9 An example of this kind is Dornford Lane , which runs parallel with the Banbury to Oxford road for some miles north of Woodstock .
10 Too much focus on the re-allocation competition risks understating the extent to which ownership and control changed by an irregular but continuing process of adjustment and negotiation with the ITA/IBA about the buying and selling of interests , either on the Authority 's or a franchise-holder 's initiative .
11 Erika had been to church before : with Omi , once on her own out of curiosity , and once with the F.G.Y. as a prelude to a discussion on Modern Superstitions .
12 The protests were also an attempt to pressurize the government into bringing an end to the violence by reducing the powers of Chief Gatsha Buthelezi , leader the conservative , Natal-based Inkatha movement which competed with the ANC for the loyalty of black South africans .
13 Noting that Buthelezi 's own organization 's membership was falling , and his anxiety about the growing popularity of the ANC , Maj. Botha warned that Buthelezi could " seriously consider throwing in his lot with the ANC with far-reaching implications for Natal and the RSA [ Republic of South Africa ] " .
14 The transfer came despite the government 's commitment to talks with the ANC on the reincorporation of all four " independent " bantustans ( Bophuthatswana , Ciskei , Transkei and Venda ) .
15 On Aug. 13 the government announced that substantial agreement had been reached with the ANC on the details of an amnesty for political offenders which would " wipe the slate clean and bury the past " .
16 For that day 's class she had taken her own watercolours , bought with the Visacard in Reading …
17 Some afternoons he would hide with the Bookman above Mr Crangle 's desk and watch him working .
18 In his spare time he sat with the Bookman in the spots of sun on the shelves or hunted for Mould to ask him if he could borrow some of his tools .
19 Indeed , the publicity-shy Cheltenham handler is currently topping the trainers ' championship with £117,000 prize money won , a large chunk of which arrived when Tipping Tim and Llewellyn ran away with the Mackeson at Cheltenham ten days ago .
20 I detest Lourdes Ortiz who weeps for the incorruptible corpse of ‘ Guernica ’ seen one quiet Sunday in its mausoleum , with the endless queues of happy people when our democracy was still in the making , with the Casón as its banner .
21 Tom Clarke , meanwhile , has to persuade a hard core in his own party that acting in concert with the SNP on certain occasions does not equate to dancing with wolves .
22 ‘ This is the Government that has been in touch with the SNP in order to save themselves , but has not been in touch with the Dutch government in order to save Albion , ’ he said .
23 He drew strong criticism from Jews and many gentile Poles , by comparing abortion with the Holocaust of the Second World War , when 600,000 Polish citizens were murdered .
24 In particular , I wish you well for the National Conference in March to which you will be rushing immediately after our meeting with the SMT on March 8th .
25 He drank nightly with the Mason in the treasure cave he called a wagon , and a kind of normality settled over the grinding wickedness of the Miracle Pageant and its never-ending circuit .
26 ‘ During that interim period Doctor Who just took off with the Daleks in a way that none of us could have imagined , and after that there was no more discussion about it coming off the air .
27 Harrison last performed with the Beatles in 1969 on the roof of the Apple Records building in central London .
28 Brenda also worked with The Beatles in Germany in 1961 .
29 It was agreed with the Prince that the interview would take place at Broadlands where he would be staying with the Brabournes in a few weeks ' time .
30 There would be a Union with the Netherlands under the Dutch Crown .
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