Example sentences of "with large [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Businessmen are in daily contact with large groups of people in their factories and offices , ’ he said .
2 However , if there is more than one speaker , each has to be provided with an individual microphone , and the speech signals therefore have to be fed to the camcorder via an audio mixer ; hence , tie-clip mikes are not suitable for use with large groups of people .
3 Seeking to ensure that people are seen to live in pleasant , ordinary homes , are seen to drive in ordinary vehicles ( not Sunshine buses , for example ) , go on ordinary holidays ( not with large groups of other people who also have handicaps ) , wear attractive clothes , have attractive hairstyles , receive the same kind of support services as other people , and now , with social role valorisation ( Wolfensberger , 1983 ) be seen to have appropriate , valued roles in society ; seeking all this begins to sound dangerously close to a marketing strategy .
4 with large stacks of metallic drums which were stored in one deeper hollow directly under the window of Froebe 's office .
5 Also new farm shop including Liberty goods and woollens loft with large selection of designer knitwear .
6 In particular , mammalian chromosomes are infested with large families of highly repetitive DNA of no known function ( New Scientist , vol 96 , p 664 ) that , according to the tenets of selfish genetics , may contribute to nothing but its own propagation .
7 Even quite elderly people , male or female , could often earn something towards their maintenance , while the practice of assisting low-wage earners with large families of young children was widespread .
8 Most Gujeratis in Britain are from East Africa and have come as refugees , often with large sections of their extended family .
9 Membership of the Council continues to grow with Classic Warbirds — undertaking a ground-up Typhoon project ( see page 94 ) with large sections of a Firefly next in line were admitted to Provisional Membership .
10 Some twenty-six of the thirty-two counties of Ireland were subsumed by the English government , with large sections of land being awarded in payment to those who had fought and financed the war .
11 Nor was he immediately popular with large sections of the Gallic aristocracy from whom Avitus himself had come .
12 CIP systems are fixed systems commonly used in food factories , dairies , breweries and other operations with large runs of pipework and/or tanks to clean .
13 Menus tend to be Germanic with large helpings of soup , veal or sausage and Rösti potatoes .
14 Be careful not to accompany your chosen carbohydrate with large quantities of fat .
15 Vienna fell without a fight on the fourteenth of November , together with large quantities of arms and ammunition abandoned by the retreating Hapsburg army .
16 For example , eating a diet rich in fibre from green vegetables will also provide you with large quantities of vitamins A , B , D , and E , magnesium , and a wide range of other minerals .
17 Prolonged dietary supplementation with large quantities of fish oil has been tried in ulcerative colitis patients but the results are not encouraging and , at best , may be considered as an adjunctive treatment in chronic ulcerative colitis .
18 Heating water etc. to cope with large quantities of laundry made for a periodic need to bring in extra labour over that maintained in the household .
19 In some kinds of violent volcanic eruptions pyroclasts combine with large quantities of hot gases to form a fluid-like flow which is capable of moving very rapidly even over very low gradients .
20 Annual emissions of sulphur from the mines are thought to amount to 700,000 tonnes , together with large quantities of metals such as nickel , copper and zinc .
21 Woolworths store in Grange Road , Jarrow , was hit twice on Wednesday when raiders got away with large quantities of children 's clothes including the theft of about £7,000 worth of clothes by a group of about ten youths .
22 Oysters and American bicycles , together with large consignments of hops , are among some of the principal items of a very varied and numerous assortment of commodities which we receive in quantities from the United States .
23 As with large tracts of The Possessed this is in effect third-person narrative , recalling the notebook assurance that whether ‘ my ’ story is based on hard facts or has simply been made up , it is all ‘ true ’ .
24 Of all the shapes my favourite is penne — medium-sized tubes of pasta that fill up with large amounts of sauce .
25 The team at the Sistine have admitted that the cleaning techniques used involving removal of the solvent gel with large amounts of water has introduced solvent into the fabric of the fresco .
26 But making bread with large amounts of guar — more than 10 per cent — creates problems .
27 A I suspect the worms are Planarian Flatworms , which tend to appear in aquariums with large amounts of organic matter , particularly in the filter bed .
28 This was set against a background of rocks , sand , barbed wire and empty ammunition boxes , with large amounts of fake snow sprayed over everything .
29 The largest value ( 6 kJ mol -1 ) is derived from the most exothermic stacking interaction , whereas in mixed-sequence DNA low exothermicities result in smaller free energy costs consistent with large amounts of entropically favourable residual motion ( torsional vibration ) in the rotors .
30 This set of rules proves to be a useful guideline because we are dealing with large sets of data and the relations formed by the normalisation process will make the data easier to understand and manipulate .
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