Example sentences of "with which she [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Later the legends and stories with which she had grown up would be added to them — stories of astonishing miracles and heroic adventures , by which she and her father , Solomon Klinitsky-Klein — whose influence on Leonard should not be overlooked — fired his imagination and stimulated his ideas .
2 Rita made sure that he had a supply of Kleenex and Lem Sip and left for school , approving on the way the neatness with which she had changed ‘ brest ’ to ‘ breast ’ .
3 When Warner Bros , the company with which she had signed an exclusive long-term contract , squandered her potential during the Thirties in a series of amusing but , for her , unfulfilling potboilers ( eg Fashions of 1934 , The Big Shakedown , Jimmy the Gent , Fog over Frisco ) , she took the unprecedented step of departing for England , where she could continue working outside of American jurisdiction .
4 Indeed , she had respected Angela Morgan for the straightforwardness with which she had tackled the issue when they had met at the lawyer 's office .
5 Across the room , nursing the remnants of his coffee , warming himself , the tall , thin creep was greatly impressed by the delicacy and decorum with which she had reacted to the West Indian 's vulgar demonstration of how to ruin a piece of pie .
6 To his dismay , she wept and only then did he hear of the plan with which she had gone to Mrs Browning .
7 Now she sees many of the ideas being picked up by the commercial companies with which she had dealings because they believe it brings new talent into the industry .
8 When someone remarked in surprise at the speed with which she had obtained her demobilisation , Teddy replied mildly in her soft voice , ‘ But I 'm married , dear ! ’
9 ‘ You 've done quite well , ’ Arlene conceded , keeping to herself the growing excitement with which she had been watching Paula over the past weeks .
10 But the bright enthusiasm with which she had vowed to improve herself was already being tarnished by the increasing breath of reprimand .
11 It was a surprise because I 'd barely thought of her since I was fucked by her dog , an incident with which she had become associated in my mind : Helen and dog-cock went together .
12 The handshake with which she had greeted him had been cool and firm and her brief smile was surprisingly attractive .
13 He would look up from his newspaper after supper to find her eyes fixed on him , in a way which brought back to him the passion with which she had kissed him upon the moor .
14 He thought of her previous radiance , the eagerness with which she had made plans to visit the Pump Room , potter round antique shops , drive out to Savernake Forest and Cheddar Gorge .
15 They had reached the further side of the field during this animated discussion and Meredith hopped nimbly over the gate with twice the speed and dexterity with which she had negotiated the stile .
16 Her exit caused him more concern than if she had made it in the blaze of anger similar to that with which she had first confronted him .
17 This may have been an exaggeration based on her own experience , but was related to the attitudes and difficulties with which she had to contend during training .
18 Liz attempted her first sketch of her mother , her first outline for the outside world of the domestic ghost with which she had lived so long : Alix spoke of her relief at escaping from the small boarding school world in which her parents and her contemporaries all knew one another far too well : Esther conjured up visions of both deprivation and splendour in her own past .
19 Behind them Madame Pipi , in black dress and white bib and apron , ostentatiously returned from the cubicles they had used and flourished the cloth with which she had wiped the seats .
20 Part of her was appalled at the ease with which she had slotted straight back into the military lifestyle ; part of her welcomed the safety of knowing exactly where she fitted in and what she was supposed to do .
21 How could she separate the reality of John Latimer 's war from the thin gruel of romantic rubbish with which she had always associated these lighthearted , devil-may-care young pilots , with their positively foolhardy absence of nerves and their propensity for turning the Battle of Britain into something resembling a schoolboy jape !
22 Her eyes were black as voids , heightened by the black eyeshadow and mascara with which she had augmented them .
23 Betty 's stated guiding principle , that every child should experience success , was not at variance with the philosophy behind the school-imposed innovation with which she had been virtually obliged to become involved .
24 The clarinet lay dusty on a shelf beside a Lamb 's Tales from Shakespeare , a sheep 's jaw from which she had meant to begin a study of anatomy , and a rough tangle of embroidery wools with which she had resolved to emulate Penelope , stitching and stitching as if her life and virtue depended upon it .
25 Her body was still fragrant from her earlier bath , but now in a frenzy of haste she was desperate to rinse it off — all of it : the perfume and the caresses — ashes of a fire with which she had stupidly played .
26 The speed with which she had changed and was continuing to change was frightening .
27 What had happened to the icy indifference with which she had surveyed the world for the past few years ?
28 She is observing the Coroner now with that same surreptitious brooding care with which she had once watched Millie and me from her kitchen window , as we stood talking , or not talking , at the gate .
29 She made her London début at the Wigmore Hall in 1963 and in the same year sang her first Angel in Gerontius with the Hallé Orchestra , a work with which she became closely associated .
30 The refraction and fusion of discourses accomplished by discursive metaphor provided Brooke-Rose with the technical means for the strategy of mimétisme with which she began to experiment in Between .
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