Example sentences of "with which [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Erm force is some , is the power at which , with which something possesses so if something , if you drop a pen on hand
2 These extra wires are generally known as the handshake connections and the method with which they control the flow of information is called the protocol .
3 Politicians with a burgh interest regularly made contributions to the cost of public works in the communities with which they concerned themselves , as Lord Panmure did in 1761 , when he subscribed for the construction of a new town hall in Montrose .
4 Outwards , there has been a call to overcome the sources of alien influence which are corrupting the Muslim societies with which they come into contact .
5 The inhabitants of these shells extend long threads through pores with which they trap particles of food .
6 The frequency with which they make them varies .
7 Phytoplankton have adapted to low-light conditions , and even orient themselves in the water column to bask more efficiently and store energy with which they fix carbon during darker periods .
8 He and Sir David accordingly set upon this final crucial lap of their preparations and to witness the unswerving determination with which they persevered in the face of repeated frustrations was a humbling experience ; countless letters and telegrams were dispatched and his lordship himself made three separate trips to Paris within the space of two months .
9 It will examine both their societies and the resources ( human , economic and military ) with which they embarked on the war .
10 The Etruscans put their burial places outside their cities , and due to the care with which they constructed the tombs many examples have been discovered intact , from the eighteenth century onwards .
11 Family influences help account for the languor of black kids at school and the regularity with which they underachieve .
12 What distinguishes the series of Criminal Justice Acts is the comprehensiveness with which they bring together a range of generally disparate proposals , originating from different sources , bearing on the content of the criminal law , the powers and procedure of the courts , and the treatment ( in the widest sense ) of offenders .
13 Languages vary tremendously in the type of conjunctions they prefer to use as well as the frequency with which they use such items .
14 The nature of the users , their background , their work , the frequency with which they use the system and their mode of access to it ( that is , through an intermediary information officer or directly ) are all factors to be considered .
15 The party as a whole proved the reality of its patriotism from the first days of the war , and the logic of this continuation from peacetime was underlined by the speed with which Ulster Unionists rallied to the flag in 1914 , and the gallantry with which they died on the Somme in 1916 .
16 In terms of their material culture and lifestyle , the Vikings were really not so different from the Franks : hence the speed with which they adopted Frankish military and diplomatic conventions , and , where they settled , assimilated with the local population .
17 Where had they all gone , those extraordinary skinny left-wing men , who had bullied their girl-friends into the Women 's Movement and been surprised when the hand with which they had so kindly offered freedom had been bitten so damn hard ?
18 Furthermore , Morgan was interested in the patterns which kinship terms create , not just for themselves , but because he believed they reflected the system of marriage with which they had originally been used .
19 The Alliance united the traditional communities of Amazonia ( Indians , rubber-tappers , Brazil nut gatherers , fishermen ) in a crusade to save the great forest with which they had lived in harmony for generations .
20 Yet there were also differences , not only in educational policies and responses to economic and military crisis , but also in the legacy with which they had to deal .
21 The opposite problem is experienced by those who are lacking in confidence , who feel that they should not worry other people with their problems and who , if they finally make an appointment , tend to rush through it and come away without covering all the points with which they had really hoped to deal .
22 Just as in his rotation of Party officials to areas with which they had no connection and where they would have difficulty building up a power-base , so now Ceauşescu was transferring people into new places of work , forcing them to move from their old homes .
23 Abolitionists were also therefore demanding direct intervention by the imperial government to end a species of property and override the role of local assemblies with which they had earlier been prepared to collaborate .
24 They lacked any direct involvement in the origins of those hostilities and were clear-eyed about the depleted resources with which they had to work to arouse a usually indifferent public .
25 Lydia thought herself very slow not to have realised all this before , but then she reflected that the rapidity with which they had learned the circumstances of this secluded family was in itself strange .
26 Flaherty and MacKnobb had produced thin gold and silver and emerald paint with which they had coloured the fine charcoal designs and the end result was really rather good .
27 Huge gangs of navvies , dealing with their new task in the same manner with which they had extended the railway lines the length and breadth of the land .
28 Sometimes diplomats stretched or abused this right to support dissident religious minorities , to the annoyance of the governments with which they had to deal .
29 As they could no longer live in trees and needed the plants with which they had co-evolved in the more seasonal habitats in the beginnings of agriculture , at least vegeculture , those who did not cultivate had to trade .
30 Even the National government and the Conservative Party leadership felt obliged to pay some attention to a movement with which they had little sympathy ; they frequently referred to pacifist feeling as a reason for slow rearmament and later for " appeasement " of Germany and Italy .
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