Example sentences of "with his [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 But I was real familiar with his records and so I knew it was gon na be that way ; in fact it was really kinda fun to have to take a guess at when he was gon na change .
2 They were the organization , or company man ; the conformist who goes along with his superiors and finds balm for his conscience in additional comforts and security of his place in the corporate set-up . ’
3 Harold P. Ford , a long-serving and widely respected former CIA analyst , portrayed Gates as a self-serving careerist who curried favour with his superiors and did not manifest the necessary independence of judgment .
4 The debate was wound up by the Home Secretary who was at his most Clarke-ish , punching the air with his fists and pushing back a lock of hair a la Heseltine .
5 A SOUTH Londonderry man who was alleged to have attacked his wife with his fists and a poker , was fined £200 at Magherafelt Magistrate 's Court yesterday .
6 Perkin tried to pull them apart and got smartly knocked down by Nolan , quick and tough with his fists as with his riding .
7 The golden glow faded as Daak stumbled through it , almost falling over Ace but staggering on , suddenly aware of the circling dart , trying to swat it with his fists as it closed in …
8 I think he would have tore into Russell the next second , with his fists or his revolver , but now the Spencer was levelled at his belly ; almost touching it .
9 And all this time , people though he 'd always had it easy , him with his women and his cheekbones and his income .
10 As the pain became more intense there was less and less space for his mind to wander over things , undone things that suddenly took on ridiculous and unrealistic urgency , but his thoughts were still churning with his innards and he could not keep out stray fragments of enacted scenes any more than he could stop the brilliant black fish from swimming in the air past his eyes .
11 On his return he settled at last under the protection of Cuthbert , first in the saint 's own resting place at Durham , then in a hermitage under the protection of Durham cathedral priory at Finchale by the river Wear — and the rest of his life is filled with his prayers and visions and miracles at Finchale .
12 He was happy with his friends but , even so , longing to see the new house again .
13 He had lost touch with his friends but had the company of his brothers and sisters to compensate .
14 The Madeiran is very talkative with his friends and family .
15 The just before Christmas a teenager came in with his friends and asked for a book ‘ honestly ’ listing all the mistakes in the Bible .
16 I have a friend called Ionel in Romania whose life has genuinely been improved in a small way by my sending him your paper , the contents of which he shares with his friends and so on .
17 If I meet my young son from school , laughing with his friends and waving to me and the dog , who wags its tail and barks in return , should I be supposed not to know what I am talking about if I pronounce them both to be conscious ?
18 With his friends and allies about him , a prince might discuss future strategy , consider marriage alliances , resolve disputes .
19 He asked for two or three days ' grace so that he could consult with his friends and when this was granted , he took his leave .
20 His treacherous relations with his friends and comrades are both confirmed and explained by the treacherous interpersonal relations that form the substance of his three major texts , Antoine Bloye Le Cheval de Troie and La Conspiration .
21 Perhaps he is a merry , convivial sort of fellow in private life , who likes nothing more than to crack a bottle of wine with his friends when there is no possibility of having to drive a motor-car afterwards .
22 He learned how to format a screenplay and then studied film and , like Alan Cooke , it was frustration at getting nowhere with his screenplays that propelled Agbenugba into attempting a novel .
23 The abbot of Conques travelled there with his knights and vassals , to put his case before the chosen arbitrator , a certain Bernard .
24 The legatine visitation would provide Offa with an opportunity to acquaint the pope with his plans and the thinking behind them , but there can be no question about the opposition to them at Canterbury .
25 Hunter has been training with his team-mates but on match nights has had to go it alone .
26 He also ( at any rate while writing the first part of his book ) admired the young Charles , who consulted with his nobles and followed the good counsels of bishops .
27 When they had taken him from the hospital block with his possessions and spare clothes in a cloth sack he had smiled and shaken hands and believed that the flight was close , Berlin he had thought it would be .
28 His horrible wont was to envelop his victim with his wings and suffocate him to death .
29 He must live with his disabilities as we must live with his abilities .
30 ‘ Dr Proctor has been kept in seclusion temporarily in the time-locked underground strongroom of the Anchorage branch of the GenTech Nomura Agricultural Loan and Trust Co , and has not as yet been able to confer with his lawyers or issue a public statement .
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