Example sentences of "with its [noun pl] on " in BNC.

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1 Had they known how rare such a commodity was in a woman 's college at that date , they might have been even more astonished , but in a sense , looking round Flora 's room , with its bright scatter cushions and Picasso prints and posters for plays at the ADC , with its invitations on the mantelpiece , with its gas fire and clutter of old shoes , with its romantic piles of what looked like lecture notes and essays , with its candle in a pewter stick and its wilting rose in a vase , they were beyond astonishment .
2 what is the logic of this exhibition , with its sections on the contemporary ( the largest ) , recent , and historical ?
3 By the beginning of the new century some of this new ideology , with its taboos on unmanly vices was certainly for export to the working class and we see the emergence of mass youth movements such as the Scouts , and the transference to the grammar schools of many of the key characteristics of the old public schools .
4 It was just sitting there with its headlights on and the battery was running down .
5 In response to N C V O's growing and varied membership , the executive committee have agreed to changes in the way that the organisation works with its members on policy issues , which has helped break down barriers between different interests , as organis , as organisations now meet around generic issues , and issues of concern .
6 The US Navy , despite the episode involving the Stark and another in which the USS Vincennes , believing herself to be under air attack , released the missile that shot down an Iran Air Airbus , had the satisfaction of catching an Iranian makeshift mine-layer , the Iran Ajr , with its mines on board , and confiscated both ship and cargo .
7 Moreover , with its restrictions on night work and part-time work and its minimum wage policy , it is a throwback to the damaging socialist policies of the 1970s , and will only cause unemployment .
8 The discharge of the basic obligations under the contract , relating to delivery , passing of risk and property , and payment , are partly a matter for negotiation between the parties ( although the SGA provides guidelines ) but must also be looked at in relation to s 3 of the UCTA , with its restrictions on clauses excluding liability for breach .
9 Together , the Howards brought out Farming and Gardening for Health or Disease ( 1945 ) and in 1947 Louise Howard published The Earth 's Green Carpet , which foreshadowed the later ecological movement 's central concerns , with its chapters on ‘ Soil Fertility and Human Health ’ , ‘ The Wheel of Life ’ , ‘ The Growth of the Plant ’ , and ‘ The Retreat of the Forest ’ .
10 Baroness Blatch , minister of state in the Department for Education , announced that the government had agreed to withdraw its proposal and that she would seek discussions with its critics on a more acceptable formulation of the secretary of state 's responsibilities .
11 It is one of the lightest and at the same time sharpest passages of Scots comedy that Barrie ever wrote , with its comments on the value of education and also on the subtly self-effacing but strong influence exerted by a woman in a seemingly male-dominated household .
12 As the venue for the fifth international conference of the European Greens , the Cité , with its predications on a science-led industrialized society , seemed about as sympathetic a choice as the Chicago stockyards for a vegetarian convention .
13 Stall them another five minutes , Janie , please , I 'm trying to hurry her up — it 's like pushing a ten-ton truck with its brakes on — YES MY PET , THAT L00KS DIVINE — ( dear kind God , wait till you see this ) — well ! " — brightly — " Looks like we 're on our way .
14 However , with its eyes on new markets , Digital Equipment Corp value-added reseller Aran Ltd , Thatcham , Berkshire , acquired the products , contracts and 20 of the 25 staff employed by Transaction Point .
15 He protected her like a lover , shielding her from curious eyes as they climbed the steep steps of the Rialto bridge with its shops on either side .
16 Other comparable UK initiatives are taking place : the Royal Society of Arts is sponsoring a Higher Education for Capability programme ; the National Council for Vocational Qualifications , with its ideas on a competency based curriculum , is beginning to turn to higher education ; and the Council for Industry and Higher Education talks of developing the students ' personal transferable skills .
17 The company , which is developing the Paisley and Braehead shopping centres , said falling property values was responsible , but it was now in talks with its banks on renegotiating its outstanding loans .
18 Back in their room at the auberge , Melissa took the tissue from her pocket and spread it with its contents on the table .
19 Public life and science are both jealous mistresses , not tolerating known devotion to another pursuit ; but at least those who administer the affairs of the country ought to , and do not , ‘ know enough of science to appreciate its value , and to be acquainted with its wants and with its bearings on the interests of society ’ .
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