Example sentences of "with them [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 Newly independent nations enlisted the aid of British constitutional lawyers and sought with them to translate the special qualities of ‘ the Mother of Parliaments ’ into their local legal vernacular .
2 By contrast with what it saw as the corrosive and unbelieving spirit of the age , that movement was deeply concerned to recover and reinstate the ancient doctrines of the faith , especially the great dogmas hammered out in the early centuries ; and with them to restore the sense of continuity and rich unbroken tradition which found its expression especially in ritual and liturgy .
3 Huntsmen rapidly learned this trick and would carry a pair of ringdoves with them to render the karkadann helpless before their attack .
4 6 For location shots make sure that the team have every facility on site and go with them to smooth the way .
5 Here was someone who had been through hell , but still could forgive the bombers , while pleading with them to realise the tragedy they were causing .
6 When Philpott received official permission to increase his field operatives from twenty to thirty he put Sabrina with them to form the original Strike Force Three .
7 This saves time and money and Robert and his team will be looking for further ways of working with them to streamline the process .
8 From the early 1920s Chiang devoted much of his attention to suppressing his communist rivals rather than forming a united front with them to resist the Japanese , but they established a strong base in the northwest following the Long March of 1934 .
9 Do n't worry if you ca n't do it if you ca n't any of these any of these exercises that I give you by the way it 's not like homework it 's just for you to play with them to get the do them at your own pace .
10 Their greatest joy was to have a priest with them to administer the sacraments and say Mass .
11 John Evans travelled with them to provide the evidence
12 John Evans travelled with them to provide the evidence
13 He did however agree to let Finubar , Prince of Eataine return to the Old World with them to study the new rulers of the Old World .
14 On the other hand , there are those who are hopelessly compromised who believe that the only means by which we can achieve successful conservation is by bringing on board local people , and working together with them to achieve the most harmonious interaction between humans and wildlife .
15 Their expertise lies in enabling others and others to take advantage of arts facilities and helping them erm or working with them to produce the things that happen , for example all the erm posters which were up during last years festival erm were produced in conjunction with community arts which erm has erm er produced on Ditchfern Place , erm and earlier this morning I was thinking that up as I think other councillors did , that more serious of projects which community arts are now entering into er in Chesterton in particularly in the children erm I think councillors went to Dickfield women 's photograph project and it is things like that about giving people confidence to join arts in a way erm with which they might never otherwise have experienced and the community arts have taken just that .
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