Example sentences of "with them [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I was then attacked by six 109s and diced with them without anything firm being achieved other then preserving my own neck .
2 ‘ I 've loved all the men I 've been with and have kept on good terms with them except my ex-husbands , they 're my least favourite of all , ’ she said .
3 ‘ It 's less threatening for men to lump women together and deal with them as one , rather than pointing out the differences . ’
4 and then came back and took a woman back with them as their servant .
5 He sets down the Kitchens ' salami-free , chicken-free , beef-free , pastrami-free , rib-free order , with a characteristic ‘ Enjoy ! ’ and then sits down with them at their table and lights up a cigarette .
6 Xorandor does n't laugh at people , he goes along with them at their level , telling them what he knows they want to hear .
7 With his family and friends Doak has pioneered work and communication with dolphins in the wild , interacting with them on their terms , and in their environment .
8 There are , however , homœopathists who carry about with them on their visits to patients the homœopathic medicines in the fluid state , and who yet assert that they do not become more highly potentised in the course of time , but they thereby show their want of ability to observe correctly .
9 Their English language is needing some work even though Cath does a lot of work with them on their English , so please pray for this .
10 He had a little book called Blackie 's Guide to Flowers of the Wayside , and he and Constance always took it with them on their walks .
11 Men can practise putting them on and feeling comfortable with them on their own so that they feel less awkward with someone else .
12 Over a period of time you will get acquainted with journalists outside London because you will have assignments with them on their own patch or you may drop into see them when visiting the area of business .
13 They used to have a bundle with them on their shoulders , and a bundle in their oxters . "
14 They were both amazed to find that because of the war scare young men who had been quite content to go out with them on their terms suddenly wanted to start serious courting .
15 When , in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries , European began to be long-distance navigators , they took pigs with them on their ships .
16 Species of Inga ( Leguminosae ) with them on their rachis have herbivore damage reduced by a third or even a half .
17 Additionally , previously mentioned problems with the model of boards of non-executives in the private sector means that incomers will not bring consistent or even very clear expectations with them on which to build .
18 I am working with them on what can be done to help them as soon as possible . ’
19 She could recall that when she and Jessie were small he used to romp with them , crawl round the floor with them on his back .
20 After Cross and Wilson had moved to Jamaica , taking the painter Eve Discher with them to act as their housekeeper , Minton stayed with them on his visit to that country in 1950 .
21 I wonder what time , the other night , Trevor had with them on his own ?
22 I wonder what kind of a night Trevor had with them on his own ?
23 It 's alright dealing with sinners but you must deal with them on your terms , and in , on your home ground .
24 However , a letter is sent out to newly qualified drivers advising they have a qualified instructor with them for their first motorway trips .
25 And the Reverend Steve Parcell is with them for their tour in Northern Ireland .
26 as if the police , or anyone else , will think there must be something wrong with them for them to have got such letters in the first place . ’
27 I 'll get in touch with them for oh dear I 'll get in touch with them for you .
28 I mean really severely handicapped so they really need sort of helpers with them for you know at least fifty percent of the day or something .
29 Other passengers were queueing at the check-point , most of them looking back as if that glimpse was all they could carry with them to their destinations .
30 WHEN Morgan Guaranty Trust moved into new offices in whitefriars earlier this year , it was natural that CCG should move with them to their new staff restaurant , as they already had four years experience of our catering .
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