Example sentences of "with [det] [noun sg] [that] " in BNC.

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1 I thus started a relationship with that country that has been constantly rewarding for the rest of my life , and indeed I now regard it almost as my second homeland .
2 There she was , still radiant from his company , smiling with that freshness that had come over her since his arrival , reflecting on her exchange with him .
3 Was Daff pleased with that watch that you got her ?
4 She let Glenda Grower lead the way , splendidly striding forward with that swing that showed off her tall , slim figure , and watched the other , older members of staff follow in her wake .
5 Dr Russell asked in a low , gently teasing voice , still studying her closely , with that smile that came and went around his lips .
6 The coypu-control man must have come on a weekday , though , and it was with that hangover that Adam associated his coming .
7 She seems to be staying with that girl that lives up in erm .
8 See just , she you said something about going in and ask her , and you said they put it down with that money that went missing and so they did n't put it down until paid it , but we did n't pay it .
9 Have you worked with that helicopter that was on exercise today ?
10 He left the room , smoothing his hair back with that gesture that was a habit with him , as though letting his hair down would literally be a bad thing .
11 And we 'd only be interested i with that scenario that you could virtually er get the Independent at a song otherwise it would n't be worth having .
12 What 's wrong with that ham that 's on your plate ?
13 that does link in with that point that Dianne made ?
14 One might say with little exaggeration that in this view the progress of science made philosophy redundant , except as a sort of intellectual laboratory assistant to the scientist .
15 In looking at figures on television audiences we probably accept with little thought that certain programmes are frequently at the top of the list for audience rating , but we seldom ask how that audience has been measured .
16 With little sign that the recession is lifting people are having to cut their cloth accordingly .
17 Your articles on women and workers make fascinating reading but provide us with little hope that a movement for change is likely to come from these quarters .
18 Under present legislation , live animals are classified as ‘ agricultural products ’ — the same category as vegetables — to be used and abused with little consideration that they are living animals that feel pain just like us .
19 Most books in the beginners'-instruction manual genre are flat and factual , with writing that is grammatically correct , but with little awareness that the final product is intended for living human beings .
20 Rice says : ‘ It 's unfair to say to a small black voluntary group with little finance that it should have a certain number of staff ; many are new to developing management committees and constitutions .
21 Unemployment was high , with little suggestion that the CDU 's economic policies would reduce it quickly .
22 In spite of high interest rates , price inflation at the factory gate has varied from 4.8-5.2 per cent during the past seven months with little indication that it is set to slip below the range .
23 I tried to stab my beak at them , to catch them with my talons , to use what strength was left in my wing , but the pain of it all was terrible and I was weakening with each second that passed by and before each new attack .
24 His own mood was blackening with each day that passed .
25 But as it becomes clearer with each day that Mr Perot still harbours political ambitions for himself , the old doubts about him recur .
26 " No , they grow more unbearable with each day that passes . "
27 With each day that passed she became more deeply involved and more enthusiastic about what she was doing .
28 I was feeling more and more like a little kid with each day that passed .
29 It is co-operation with each other that is most important .
30 Sadly , church people have often so dismally failed to get along with each other that they are powerless to get along with the needy in the world .
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