Example sentences of "with [det] [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Time and again the women stressed their loss of independence and with that loss came frustration , insecurity and a sense of worthlessness ‘ commensurate with that which men experience over the loss of their breadwinner status ’ ( Coyle , 1984 , p. 107 ) .
2 It was generally agreed that there was a difference between human science and the knowledge of God , in that while human knowledge was concerned with that which reason could analyse , theology was concerned with the way in which the transcendent love of God is known .
3 Claudine did n't seem to know that this was a cruel dig at Jenna ; she only appeared to note the word ‘ beautiful ’ , and with that her interest faded , her eyes going back to Alain .
4 Do deal with that your worships please ?
5 With that my respondent turned and attacked the ice with such ferocity that I had to step back to avoid the avalanche of detritus .
6 " With this it mind , I began in Perth , not on the Indian-Pacific but on a small train called the Prospector , the regular lifeline for Kalgoorlie and the sheep and wheat belt .
7 That free public library provision is crucial in fostering a literate , informed public , and with this my department 's overall aim of making more widely accessible the rich and varied cultural heritage of this nation can be achieved . ’
8 About 20 guests arrive each week for two week holidays , with some one weekers in the early and late season .
9 South Korean chipmakers reacted with relief after the US imposed lower-than-expected final anti-dumping duties on their memory chips imported into the US , Reuter reports from Seoul : ‘ We can say there will be little impact on exports and profit , ’ the Korea Semiconductor Industry Association said ; the final duties range from 0.74% to 7.19% , and were not higher because the US fears becoming over-reliant on a single source — if the increasing tension between North and South Korea hots up further , the US does n't want Cruise missiles going out with half their memory missing because of a chip shortage .
10 She had emigrated with half her family to England when a baby , but they had all come back the night an auntie 's house in Derry had been seen on TV news , with the sofa flying from an upstairs window and loyalist thugs pouring petrol on the geraniums .
11 A third aircraft attacked a MV , was badly hit and landed with half its elevators and hydraulics shot away .
12 If we return to the example of our widget-making factory after the introduction of the new production process , with half its workforce put on to the labour market ( or , putting it more bluntly , sacked ) , then many of them are likely to be eligible for unemployment benefit .
13 Armenia , the scene of fearful destruction with half its population refugees from Turkish persecution , continued to press claims for the return of its homelands in Turkey .
14 With half its population taxed on wages , this minute borough precisely reflected rural conditions in the far west .
15 Some of the landlords had reduced or cancelled the rents this year ; but his , a near-bankrupt squireen in a mouldering mansion with half its roof gone , could afford no abatement .
16 The national police would organize a new National Civilian Police ( PNC ) with half its membership drawn from the FMLN .
17 They walked like robots until Doyle yelled , ‘ Stop ! ’ with half his voice whirled away by the wind so that it came to them as a little thread of sound .
18 GENDER-BENDER Billy Marsh walked off with half his wife 's wardrobe … and left her with a pile of debts .
19 With half his attention on the attic and the other half on the Bogeyman 's door , he slipped from his room and hurried downstairs .
20 Joshua , in vest and trousers with his braces dangling , was at the scullery sink with half his face covered in lather , peering at his reflection in a cracked mirror and wielding a cut-throat razor .
21 I was listening with half my mind to the essay my pupil was reading and although the ideas he was expressing ( about sense-data ) were in themselves neither new nor interesting they had set off ideas of my own , as the ideas in undergraduate essays often do — I think of it as one of the uncovenanted benefits of teaching .
22 As the donor becomes more and more concerned at lack of action the recipient country staff become more and more dubious that the project is really in their national interest , and may even start discussions with another whose conditions may be perceived as less onerous .
23 His nursery being fully stocked with flowering shrubs , of all sorts that can be pictured , with these he borders the outskirts of all his plantations and he continues , annually , raising from seed and layering , budding , grafting , that twenty thousand trees are hardly to be missed out of his nurseries .
24 But even with these your risks are spread and so there is some form of protection .
25 Then , when an idea about making miners in pits work up to 48 hours comes along , the Government , with all their hypocrisy , say , ’ Oh , yes , we shall have to implement that Common Market directive — in order to make the miners work longer . ’
26 As he grew more feeble , his followers were left prey to seduction by lusty upstarts , viz private eyes with all their teeth .
27 Months later , both men were killed in action , along with all their unit in Belgium .
28 Gray … sells cypresses in pots at half a crown apiece ; you turn them out of the pot with all their mould , and they never fail . ’
29 It will be a Europe that recognises that transnational commerce and industry , with all their powers , are tolerable only if there are effective mechanisms to safeguard employed people — men and women , their families and retired people — who might otherwise have no defence against the demands and requirements of vast corporations operating on a continental scale .
30 Mental handicap is a disability which a person will live with all their lives .
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