Example sentences of "with [noun pl] to [pron] " in BNC.

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1 BBC Books has struck a lucrative lode with tie-ins to its estimable television series ‘ Gardeners ’ World . ’
2 are now going to look at these figures and come back to the next meeting er with some comments , with regards to their projects .
3 Everyone okay with what they have to do with regards to their respective role plays ?
4 With regards to my salary increase of January ninety four , recently you have now stated my increase with be take place in April ninety four .
5 Er and his son helped him but I think in later on there were a little bit of disagreement with , with regards to who , how much work there was and , but anyway they 'd finished the bungalow and er it 's grand yes
6 Just as the colonial nations developed sugar from beet when they were threatened with disruptions to their cane sugar supply in the 19th century , so modern chemistry is developing sweeteners in the laboratory that rely even less upon raw materials .
8 Obviously assuming that his readers will be dealing with subjects to whom they are relative strangers , Labov points out some practical disadvantages of candid recording ; first of all , long-term access to a community is likely to be hindered if people think they are being spied on , and second , the quality of such recordings is often poor .
9 And it might go away if he did n't listen keenly , feed it perhaps with the energy of his life , stoke it up with risks to his health and even to his sanity .
10 If the United Nations Convention comes into force there could potentially be two seabed conventional regimes with parties to one constituting third parties to the other .
11 One with wounds to his leg , I 'm administering first aid ’
12 Allen Kipling , 46 , was last night ‘ comfortable ’ in Middlesbrough General Hospital with burns to his feet and legs .
13 Yesterday he was recovering in Middlesbrough General Hospital 's burns unit with burns to his arms , hands and lower body .
14 We did not offer the all-day hospitality of previous years but were delighted to see members at the tea parties we organised , and enjoyed chatting with visitors to our stand in the Women in the Rural Community tent .
15 It is not certain whether it would be worthwhile to apply common methods of coping with misspellings to our recognition system .
16 She was made of a strong enough fibre to cope with ideas to which she had already become accustomed , like murder and rape ; it was novelty that she found hard to accept .
17 ‘ I 've got two , as a matter of fact , Hugo and Will , but they 're both married and with responsibilities to their own families .
18 The point about studies on non-human animals is not that they replace studies on humans but that they provide us with pointers to what we should study in people and how we should study it .
19 but less superficially it is a fact that Christian truth is not to be equated with our formulations of it and we must always satisfy ourselves with pointers to it .
20 I think for a very small company this perhaps might be more complicated in computing terms than would be worthwhile , but as soon as you 're getting to the point of many orders in a week , then it can be exceedingly useful to be able to ask the computer to tell you for example what are all the outstanding orders , what are all the overdue orders , what is the stock position bearing in mind that some stock is committed for certain orders , what orders have we got with suppliers to us which are still outstanding , and questions of this sort , can make your business much more efficient .
21 erm you know we know the special case officers in each of the areas , and we also liaise erm on behalf of people who come in with problems to them .
22 Mayhew described the costermongers living in the coster districts of London with wives to whom they were not legally married although they remained permanently attached , and these are only the most famous of such alliances .
23 Lewesdon climbs nearly nine hundred feet and , unlike Pilsdon Pen , which is bare and rugged , is thick with trees to its summit .
24 Wordsworth concludes The Prelude with tributes to his sister Dorothy , and to S. T. Coleridge , both of whom , in their different ways , helped him to resolve the personal crisis into which the events of the 1790s had led him , and I have given a short biography of each .
25 Discrimination can be institutionalized and done procedurally as a matter of course behind the scenes or it can be out in the open with insults to your face , but the result is the same .
26 When faced with threats to its broadcasting monopoly or to its programme policy from , say , either wireless exchanges ( the precursors of today 's cable systems ) or overseas commercial radio stations , it was only natural that Reith would turn to the state to guarantee the monopoly .
27 When in prison they blackmail staff with threats to their family and children if not supplied with drugs .
28 Ceauşescu may have learnt this technique from Kim II Sung who has pock-marked North Korea with memorials to his every stage of development .
29 And as he spoke he raised a prawn coated with aïoli to his lips and took a draught of wine .
30 The driver escaped with cuts to his face .
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