Example sentences of "with [pron] [conj] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Will you do me one to take home with me and put on the wall ? ’
2 Historians are increasingly realizing that if the experience of older people is not sought we are in danger of losing a unique individual insight into the times and events they report , and one which will die with them unless recorded ( Thompson , 1978 ) .
3 A lot of teachers jump to conclusions about pupils before they 've even come into contact with them and broken through the pupil 's resentment .
4 With other family , could we have left kids with them and gone off to taste vibrant sophisticated Bideford nightlife ( Lobster Pot restaurant , fully licensed , folk singing Thursdays ) ?
5 True , it had taken her several minutes to decide whether the keys should be bunched or splayed but she had ceased fidgeting with them and settled into an abnormal quietude .
6 People with complex needs may have a Care Plan , agreed with them and reviewed at intervals .
7 Decisions of the court upon the meanings of phrases used in Acts of Parliament may come , in the course of time , to give them the quality of terms of art which Parliament may well be assumed to have intended them to bring with them when used in subsequent legislation .
8 This principle states that transformations apply cyclically , and that later transformations , in tinkering with the transforms already produced , deal with them as completed units undergoing at most peripheral changes in this later re-arrangement .
9 Erm try and where possible to use the individual communication with them as opposed to erm communicating to them as a member of a group preferably in a relaxed environment er rather than a sort of erm including any decision making pass on as much credit for that decision as possible
10 Funnily enough though there are there are feminist women who are who are saying similar things that saying that it is a bit irresponsible to have gotten into bed with someone and taken all your clothes off and then say no .
11 She laughed shortly , obviously annoyed with herself but determined to make her point .
12 ‘ Tomorrow , ’ he repeated sharply , ‘ after you have seen la Principessa , after you have sat with her and given her pleasure .
13 The uncle had apparently come to the school gates at the end of school and when the girl was a little way on her way home had caught up with her and taken her to his house .
14 She went everywhere with him unless forbidden by regulations and never went away on her own . ’
15 On 14 April , Allitt was alone with him and called a nurse .
16 He replied , apparently to the students ' dissatisfaction , that he had himself encountered nothing of the kind and indeed that many of those who had started off the war with him and seen it through to the end had become major military commanders .
17 There was the man who had been with him and taken the briefcase from the hotel room and who in the morning would go back to the Golani Brigade stationed on the Lebanese border and who would be chided by his fellow officers for having taken leave while the military workload was intense .
18 If there is a child at school with HIV or AIDS , perhaps born with it or caused from infected blood transfusions , your child is not at risk from everyday contact .
19 In addition to these application-specific specialized tagsets , a very general purpose tagset is also proposed for the encoding of entirely abstract interpretations of a text , either in parallel with it or embedded within it .
20 It was a bit everything-but-the-kitchen-sink on sexual politics , and its switches from comedy to Myra McFadden 's chilling incest victim 's song might have been a bit startling , but I still felt pleased with it and learned ( I hope ) an awful lot from it , mainly about structure which I find hard , and how to pinch plots from people who knew how to do it .
21 ‘ She 'd give you a hand with anything that needed doing , from packing , invoicing , cutting and laying to choosing and mixing colours ; she was n't keen on the administration side but she did that too , ’ Meirion recalled .
22 to rehearse , direct and edit the Video according to the timetable agreed with us and specified in Schedule B attached .
23 to rehearse , direct and edit the Video according to the timetable agreed with us and specified in Schedule B attached .
24 to rehearse , direct and edit the Video according to the timetable agreed with us and specified in Schedule B attached .
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