Example sentences of "with [adj] that that " in BNC.

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1 If you enjoy the sensation of being an integral part of the driving experience , with all that that entails , then this 911 is one of the few road cars which still has what it takes to excite you .
2 However , I quite liked Horace Joseph 's idea of having the father bravely inform his son that the lad is , in fact , Kenneth Clarke , with all that that entails .
3 If I 'm going anywhere where I want them to see me as a ‘ teacher ’ you know with all that that implies , then I 'll wear my wedding ring .
4 The finished text will , in appearance , be of a professional standard with all that that implies for the child 's image of him or herself as a writer .
5 But it is as strike-breakers — with all that that implies of betrayal of working-class solidarity — that they went down in ETS history .
6 The institutional , legal and procedural definition of convocation had not been clear in 1307 nor was it finally resolved by 1327 : the clergy were struggling to free themselves from the enveloping quicksand of parliament , the king 's high court , and to reach the firm ground of an autonomous clerical assembly , no part of the king 's court ( with all that that implied ) and free from the intimidating presence , or intrusion , of those royal councillors who were laymen .
7 Sample results can be portrayed as the outcome of laboratory analysis with all that that implies about accuracy , validity , and reliability , an impression doubtless enhanced by the use of computer print-out and the provision of results to one or more decimal places ( cf.
8 Large conspicuous wooden figures , Dotty and Dolly , and beneath their knees skulked little Alix Doddridge , creeping quietly , smiling obsequiously , keeping a low profile , longing to be ordinary , longing with such passion to be unnoticed , to be accepted , to be one of the crowd , not Dotty 's Daughter , with all that that implied .
9 3 ) and by Edward I in 1297 ( 25 Edw. 1 ) , is indeed a statute , with all that that entails .
10 ‘ It 's where you were born — as you said — with all that that implies . ’
11 First , it emphasizes the extent to which the Oxford Polytechnic Modular Course was created de novo , with all that that entailed for the enthusiasm of colleagues and the mystification of outsiders .
12 If it does then the term will be effectively promoted to the rank of condition with all that that entails , otherwise it will be classed as a warranty .
13 At the present time it is being compounded of course by the er effects of nineteen ninety three Education Act with all that that Act implies or tightening up er many of the processes and procedures that we follow in dealing with special educational needs , we have a host of new draft documents for consultation from the Department for Education .
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