Example sentences of "with [art] [noun pl] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Here only three sub-activities are shown : commencing with the concepts phase , leading into both the analysis and scheming phases , and then passing through to the manufacturing phase .
2 However , consider the sort of lexical content you would expect to find associated with the forms treatment , landing , party and basin in a dictionary entry , and note how finding the forms embedded within a co-text constrains their interpretation .
3 It is concerned with the forms energy can take , how efficiently it can be used and to what extent energy can be made available for useful work .
4 A copy must be lodged with the Quotations Department and the Panel at the same time as it is posted to shareholders .
5 ( 8 ) The text of the tender advertisement must be cleared with the Quotations Department if the offer is made on the London Stock Exchange but otherwise with the Panel and copies of the final text must be given to both at the same time as they are given to the newspapers .
6 At the same time , the earnings threshold which forms the boundary between the two rates , which is now aligned with the earnings threshold for payment of full-rate employers ' class I contributions , will go up from £185 per week to £190 per week .
7 And this week the case took a dramatic twist with the high-seas arrest of Roderick , the dead couple 's 26-year-old son .
8 LONGER THAN the longest dusty trail , The Mekons ' history stretches back to punk rock primitivism and back up to date with C&W-flavoured pop that has gained them a pant-moistening popularity with the critics Stateside and a curiosity corner popularity in Britain .
9 LONGER THAN the longest dusty trail , The Mekons ' history stretches back to punk rock primitivism and back up to date with C&W-flavoured pop that has gained them a pant-moistening popularity with the critics Stateside and a curiosity corner popularity in Britain .
10 Michael Stoute , who trained one of last season 's toughest horses , Rock Hopper , has found a worthy successor in Saddlers ' Hall , who romped home with the Lanes End John Porter Stakes .
11 I thought about what you told me — your job with the Profiles Division , and what happened later to those two Finn manufacturers .
12 Some PLFA are not generically characteristic ; with starvation , some bacteria increase the proportions of the specific monoenoic PLFA with the trans configuration .
13 well with the dependents allowance you get so much with it
14 The programme got underway with the Liberties Festival in Dublin and continues right through the summer , finishing with the Wexford Opera Festival and the Guinness Cork Jazz Festival in October .
15 They reached the end of the passage , but instead of a picture there was only a dark brown door , marked with the letters WC .
16 Information imparted by , and collected about the patient is given in confidence , so the information gatherer has a responsibility to be familiar with the records system in use , know who has access , and be aware of risks associated with the legitimate use of records ( Cowan , 1987 ) .
17 He 's on tour with the Wailers Band alongside Earl ‘ Wire ’ Lindo and Junior Marvin from Bob 's era , with his brother Carlton 's drum seat taken by Mikey Boo , another veteran .
18 It is known as a repo rate because it is equivalent to a repurchase agreement with the futures market .
19 We are in close liaison with the examinations board and both committees are working in harmony to make sure , the module system runs as smoothly as possible at this time .
20 Now the thing about this crew and the crews that you were talking about from the Hundredth Bomb Group , the , I guess the most famous crew from the Hundred Bomb Group is with the Roses Rivetus Now our crews were at the same time .
21 In addition , the regulators of both the electricity and gas industries are examining with the industries scope for further funding of energy efficiency measures , funded in part under the price formula .
22 Discussion and debate may need ( as with the Humanities Curriculum Project ) packs of supporting data , and if paper is short some of it may well be put on overhead transparencies and projected when relevant .
23 I was a police officer erm attached or er on a permanent basis with the operations support unit which we were based in er .
24 An RIB ( Rigid Inflatable Boat with a ninety-horsepower outboard engine , capable of nearly forty knots ) races out to meet her with the operations captain and a customs officer on board .
25 Erm liaising with the operations manager route speed potential , since we know the route speed is twenty miles an hour , er I felt that probably was n't really a vital item .
26 It starts with the systems analyst asking for the detailed requirements of the user .
27 The person in the centre who is most likely to link up with the systems verifier is the SCOTVEC co-ordinator .
28 In our opinion the financial statements give a true and fair view of the company 's affairs at 31 March 1991 and of its deficit and source and applications of funds for the year then ended and have been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies ACT 1985 .
29 According to Alistair Kelman , however , many companies do not even comply with the Companies Act by keeping detailed records of what goes on in their computer systems .
30 Complying with the Companies Act
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