Example sentences of "with [noun] [adv] for " in BNC.

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1 In the library she negotiated a cease-fire between Joyce Babcock and the new trainee , a girl fatally endowed with enthusiasm both for books and for people , and therefore threatening the entire ethos of Joyce 's empire .
2 This entailed a dual arrangement : an ordained regular abbot ( i.e. a monk , one who followed a regula , or rule ) ran the community 's liturgical work and day-to-day upkeep from the inside , while , from the outside , a lay aristocrat assumed control of the community 's landed endowment along with responsibility both for the military service owed to the king from the men beneficed on the monastery 's lands , and often for hospitality at the monastery for the king and his entourage .
3 With plans afoot for the redevelopment of part of the Cretan Knossos estate of Sir Arthur Evans , close by his former house the Villa Ariadne , a team from Birmingham University has been given the go-ahead for a new excavation .
4 With plans afoot for two more major routes through the region , the Government 's being urged not to make the same mistake again .
5 Soft haired brushes are mostly used for watercolour or tempera painting , with bristle mainly for oils .
6 I ignored the sinister bastard and drank fast and deep with eyes only for Rachel .
7 From thirty to sixty trucks were loaded with bricks daily for dispatch to London and its surrounding area .
8 It was tinged with panic too for finally he could only babble again and again how sorry he was .
9 These exercises have met with acclaim worldwide for their ability to help villagers look at their lives critically and constructively with minimal input from the workshop leader .
10 Ken Bradshaw probably wrestled with sharks just for the hell of it .
11 Seabrook and Hythe beaches for flounder , dabs and pout with razorfish best for the flounder .
12 Opportunities and Limitations in Religious Broadcasting , a collection of articles by 25 communicators from 14 different countries , is ‘ designed as a Speakers ’ Corner with room enough for representatives from almost every point on the Christian compass ' , according to the publishers .
13 It was in fact a large room divided in two , one half being given over to the mistress 's wardrobe and dressing stool , with the pier-glass in the corner , the other providing a small chamber with room only for a cot bed .
14 A question with implications both for policy and for theory is whether learned helplessness and/or self-worth motivation become more prevalent with age .
15 Publishers were looked to for far more support than in the past , as the following interview comments show : ‘ There 's a change from the past , when we used worksheets predominantly , with textbooks just for backup .
16 He had been with UNACO now for three years and although he still suffered from bouts of homesickness he never allowed those feelings to interfere with his work .
17 Slanging matches with Craddock just for the hell of it .
18 When they lock the man up with Jim and John and Henry and Mary and Dolores and Grace — I hope they will give him access to books , with paper enough for him to go on making translations for us from the classics such as we have never seen except at his hands in our language .
19 They have been going to stay with Jack regularly for years , and the only thing that has changed is that Jack does n't need a sub any more .
20 Cross soon secured his place in the Palace line-up and he held it for a long time , but his partnership with Jack Little for three seasons was a much-admired feature of the Palace defence .
21 The restaurant was little more than an intelligently decorated semi-basement with space enough for a bar and a half dozen tables .
22 Not only did they multiply , with space now for reflection and analysis in addition to hard news , they were joined by education , economic , home affairs and social services correspondents , among others .
23 Once , when I was hand-feeding peanuts to six badgers at a sett in the east of England that had been watched and provisioned with food regularly for more than 30 years , the badgers were scared off merely by a distant snapping twig and the far-off murmur of voices .
24 The Ulsterman has decided to remain faithful to 1991 Champion hero Morley Street , as Toby Balding 's eight-year-old clashes with Granville Again for a second time this season .
25 Otis Ferguson was not entirely convinced by Black Legion as he thought it too gloomy ( with appeal only for the ‘ O'Neill audience ’ ) , too jerky in its action , ultimately too indecisive and somewhat lacking in political specifics .
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