Example sentences of "with [noun] [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 Rosa often went to the washplace with Sabina to help her and she was glad that she could pull her blue cotton dress out of the basket and slosh it into the water before anyone else could examine it for stains ; not that the stain spoke openly of its origins ; it could easily have been milk , thought Rosa .
2 Returning to England she was able to put her principles of movement teaching into practice with Molly accompanying her on the piano .
3 Although Walton the head coachman still drove her mother-in-law , the few times that Tamar had driven out , she had used their coach and pair from the days at Helmsley , with Goodison to drive her .
4 What was important to her was sitting here , like this , with Simon telling her about his personal life .
5 Life with Simon gave her everything she needed .
6 People loaded with shopping shoved her aside : she was blocking the exit of a big supermarket .
7 Vivienne — with Bernie backing her up as Malcolm was in the States , having extended his visit after striking up a rapport with The New York Dolls at the time — talked me into doing it .
8 Would he not read it that he might with impunity pursue her to her ruin ?
9 No , she would not want to change that … only to have it go on , with Tyler wanting her as much as she wanted him .
10 One of the two companions went with Roksanda to attend her ; the other agreed to marry Milosh .
11 With Helen to assist her and Ian doing the farm work she was no worse off than if she had , as originally planned , set up in practice on her own .
12 With Roy holding her by the arms she walked up his body until , reaching his shoulders , she flipped over and landed on her feet , screeching with laughter .
13 She turned and went into the room again with Lee following her .
14 The star was shapeless and the candle spattered with glue reminding her of her first efforts .
15 A friend of mine had their grandmother living with them — I remember her sitting in her special chair , her feet on a footstool , with people getting her this and that .
16 She left them both smiling , with instructions to call her at once if there was any change .
17 And when the bridal party came out into the church porch and stood blinking and smiling in the winter daylight , Sir Felix Lark , his wild eyes excessively unstable , was instantly at Linnet 's elbow , topping the suave invitations of Mr Adolphus Moon to meet his artistic friends with offers to mount her for the Far Flatley hunt .
18 If I go back I can reason with Steve to leave her alone — ’
19 I do n't know if it all came to Oxford , but certainly most of it did , and erm the city council actually spent six shillings and sixpence strewing the streets with flowers to welcome her , which erm when we have a look at the amount of money that was being , having to be raised elsewhere it was quite generous really .
20 Jo 's relationship with Chris gives her the security to pursue her career and in him she 's found the man of her dreams .
21 According to Buried Alive , the 1973 biography of the singer by Myra Friedman , Joplin pleaded with Seth to force her to stop taking heroin , but he thought it was simply a play for more attention .
22 All through that evening I pleaded with Kalchu to shoot her , but he would n't , or could n't — none of us could .
23 It had ended with Tony manhandling her out of the house .
24 Because the panic attacks had become a habit with her , I spent a few sessions with Eileen teaching her how to overcome them .
25 A sudden reckless urge to play with fire made her deliberately provoke him .
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