Example sentences of "with [noun] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 The party reacted with unnecessary embarrassment and defensiveness to government attacks on general talks it has been holding with the Greens , and its desire , as part of its traditional Ostpolitik , to press on with contacts with the Communist party in East Berlin despite the sudden surge of open opposition to the government by East German citizens .
2 Often printed with patterns with a shadowy outline .
3 Kuusinen quoted to them the obligations imposed by the Whitsun Conference decision : We propose that the following questions be raised for discussion in all the organisations of the ILP. ( l ) What concrete mass actions on the basis of the united front of the C.P.G.B. and the ILP can and must be carried out in the near future with the aim of a successful struggle for a 10% wage increase , against the Means Test , and other similar partial demands advanced by the C.P.G.B. and the ILP ? ( 2 ) Is it desirable for the ILP to join the Communist International as a Party sympathising with Communism with the right to a consultative vote … ?
4 Erm , the Options Agency is a county-wide youth training agency , with contracts with the Lincolnshire and the Greater Peterborough , er training and enterprise councils .
5 Her knowledge of Italian brought release with ajob with an archaeological unit in Eritrea , and she followed this by becoming a guide-lecturer in Liverpool : thinking on her feet in French , Italian or Portuguese in front of audiences ranging from rich Texans to poor shop assistants .
6 The opening ‘ The Basement ’ is most disturbing , Blood explaining what can happen when your parents go away for a few months and leave you with your crippled sister : ‘ It started out with spankings with the neighbour looking on/She paid her daughter 's boyfriend who would whip me all night long … ’
7 The opening ‘ The Basement ’ is most disturbing , Blood explaining what can happen when your parents go away for a few months and leave you with your crippled sister : ‘ It started out with spankings with the neighbour looking on/She paid her daughter 's boyfriend who would whip me all night long … ’
8 Only it holds onto the hairs so much that it rips them out so that you end up with legs with no hairs on it but ah !
9 Each year Horse and Bamboo , pioneers of true rural theatre , travel through a new area of the British Isles … on foot and with horse with a new show .
10 He would play crib with zest with the lowest characters and would allow no argument .
11 Thus , faced with words with a medial e sound like : head bed thread or led health except the pupil ought to be clear that because there is a spelling choice , he is encouraged to use the dictionary to check which is the correct form for this context .
12 The things that endure and that matter , I am convinced , are the human relationships and I think as I represent the , the group here today I , I am joined by six other people with associations with the group .
13 Impressionist painting has always been associated with spontaneity with the artist standing on a river bank , or in a field in the countryside ; painting en plein air .
14 PAUL GASCOIGNE took over the crown was unofficially crowned of king of world football here last night as he gloriously won his personal duel with Maradona with a wonder goal that had ‘ made in heaven ’ stamped all over it .
15 A sizeable body of opinion , led by the veteran statesman Itó Hirobumi , advocated alliance with Russia with a view to reaching a local settlement .
16 I felt I had to I When I went to school m my father could n't afford very much and erm I remember starting the first term of first day of the term with shoes with a big split in it .
17 Up the Empire ! ’ to a group of communist students from the UK gathered at the bar of his hotel , promises to do something about the ‘ blooming awful ’ state of Soviet plumbing and ends up making a deal with Stalin with the insouciance of George Formby addressing himself to Hitler .
18 The old blue suitcase which he carried out of Palestine in 1948 was still stuffed with his files and documents , all neatly labelled and dated — land deeds , deeds of sale , taxes , rents and maps of allotments — together with correspondence with the United Nations about the ownership of his family 's land .
19 Bar staff with help with the coffees
20 Ministers also agreed guidelines for EC policy towards Latin America and Asia over the next decade ; priorities were to be development aid for the poorest population groups and economic co-operation with areas with a strong growth potential .
21 In 1988 , 32% of women with children aged under 3 were working ( 21% part-time , 11% full-time ) compared with 73% with a youngest child aged 10 or over ( 43% part-time , 30% full-time ) ( Figure 7 ) .
22 Foster placement with strangers with a view to custodianship if all goes well .
23 Some 850,000 people are supplied with water with a nitrate concentration above 50 mg/litre .
24 This gives small fish an ideal resting place : but please treat any concrete in contact with water with a sealing agent such as G4 .
25 Paul was singing to himself and asking questions of the type children tend to , such as why were n't the birds all blown away during the storm , and why did n't the sea fill up with water with the stream going so hard ?
26 But she added that prosecution and imprisonment by a criminal court did not serve the interests of the family as a whole , or of the child who remained part of it , or how victims would deal with contact with the abuser after release .
27 Hence variations in mortality not only indicate variations in morbidity but also variations in the great need for services in caring for those with conditions with a high number of deaths .
28 Sweden is a case in point ; over £100 million of that country 's wealth has found its way to our shores because Britain 's top rate of tax at 60% makes us a relative tax haven compared with Sweden with a top rate of 100% .
29 Everyone likes to hang around with people with a similar image , it gives you more confidence to experiment .
30 It is encouraging to see that the Society is also moving with the times and its work with people with a disability , mothers and toddlers and its preparations for the arrival of National Vocational Qualifications are to be commended .
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