Example sentences of "you up [subord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I merely shut you up so I could get some sleep ! ’
3 So I 'm going to tie you up while I leave .
4 Or I 'll run you up while you run in to shop and I 'll go and turn round .
5 We 'll try to get it fixed so we can pick you up after you make delivery . ’
6 It 's picking you up before you fall .
7 It is picking you up before you fall .
8 picking you up before you fall are n't they ?
9 And no one phones you up cos they all think you 're too busy . ’
10 I mean they at least they could pick you up cos they 'd had the log book .
11 Ah unfortunately I 'm not here to follow you up cos I 'm actually away next week , sorry about that .
12 I did n't wake you up cos I thought you 'd want a lie in
13 ‘ Like , maybe your parents were just fattening you up until you would make a decent meal for these dragons , or it was an intelligence test ; the kids smart enough to have sussed out the fact there were dragons around were the ones that would survive , and the ones that just lay there , trusting , each night , deserved to die , and their parents could n't tell them or the dragons would eat them , and stories about dragons were the only clues you were ever given ; that was all the adults could do to warn you …
14 He said : ‘ You see Hunter-Blair at parties or he rings you up when he wants his name in your column . ’
15 ‘ All right , then , I 'll pick you up when I finish . ’
16 Electric bite alarms are useful for night fishing , and many night anglers I know would not fish without them , and no matter what they tell you to the contrary they are mainly used to wake you up when you have a bite !
17 Neither is anyone going to fetch and carry for you when you are in bed with influenza , or be there to patch you up when you fall over , burn or cut yourself .
18 I had heard that the lasses used to beat you up when you first got in and that the lesbians used to grab hold of you and that there was loads of violence and everything .
19 Praise you up when you go around kicking things , walking about with your eyes shut you 've got to join the Fire Service and you walk , you canna walk about with your eyes shut , you ca n't , people that have been injured in the head they 're going to be screaming about it are n't they your eyes are wonderful things Matt , they give you all round vision , you can see from , from the side of your eye if you look it 's like everything else if you do n't use it properly , you do n't get the benefit from it
20 ‘ She said she 'd come and wake you up when she got back . ’
21 I ca n't clean you up till I get some gloves .
22 ‘ My father 's old housekeeper — he and she grew old together — has a daughter who needs to make money ; , she lives in Nile Street , and if you were to say that I sent you , she might well be glad to put you up till it is time for you to go to Oxford . ’
23 He 's a natural competitor , he even beats you up if you beat him at cards . ’
24 Try to sail in a location offering safety cover — a rescue boat to pick you up if you get into trouble .
25 ‘ I could come and pick you up if you like — ’
26 Well I think we can arrange to pick you up as we go at that time , you 'll of eh , because I know that bus passes do n't cover that .
27 Never leave objects on the floor of the kitchen , such as shoes or dustpans , that may trip you up as you back away from the sink or cooker .
28 ‘ It 's best to make yourself a timetable for Christmas Day , then you know what to do and it cheers you up as you cross things off . ’
29 And finally on the A four one this evening , there is patching work on the A four one at various locations throughout the road this evening , which could hold you up as you travel along there .
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