Example sentences of "you will [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ May I remind you that you will frequently have to take second place to the demands of my work ? ’
2 You will frequently see old headbands cracked or torn where ruthless fingers have hooked over them to wrench books from shelves .
3 You will frequently see a garment in a shape that suits pattern stitches and fabrics other than those suggested in the accompanying instructions .
4 You will however monitor , progress chase , instruct and communicate through paper .
5 The important thing is to choose the subjects you think you will most enjoy .
6 If you are replacing an old bathroom suite with a new one , and plan changes to the layout , which will require alterations to the water pipework , you will again need to meet Building Regulations ' requirements .
7 If you act for a mortgagee on such a purchase of unregistered land , you will again need a certified copy of the mortgage document ; so be wise in time and have a spare carbon or print ( if you are using a building society or other printed form ) prepared when engrossing .
8 If you prefer a manager who is part of a financial group such as Granville Investment Management ( 071–488 1212 ) , part of the merchant bank , you will again have a tailor-made investment plan .
9 On the return from Venice you will again fly ( or coach ) , or having enjoyed three extra nights in a superb hotel in Venice , you will return on the world-famous and exclusively chartered Orient Express train .
10 Finally , unless you can afford both , you will probably choose either a fast " daisywheel " printer or one of the new breed of correspondence quality " dot matrix " printers with a high resolution graphics capability — possibly even colour as well for graphical presentation of results Third , the all important choice of software .
11 In most cases you will probably end up with a 386SX or 486SX and both are excellent choices .
12 You will probably think of plenty of additional points of your own .
13 Most non-owners who want to ride go to their local riding school which can vary from being a top class training establishment with excellent facilities , where you will probably pay accordingly , or a small set-up with few mod cons .
14 Most experts advise that if you have made up your mind to stop smoking , you will probably stand a better chance of being successful if you can go ‘ cold turkey ’ — in other words , stop smoking all at once .
15 While there is no doubt that if you gain no more than 20lb you will probably return to your pre-pregnancy weight in a matter of weeks after the birth , is a weight-gain guide of 20–30lb realistic ?
16 For example , if the telephone rings you will probably answer it — but you do not have to .
17 No , I do n't mean punch the other person on the nose — apart from the fact that you will simply prolong or exacerbate the aggression , you will probably hurt your hand !
18 If you try ‘ late-hitting ’ , then you will develop maximum clubhead speed long after impact , and you will probably suffer from a slice .
19 Once you have stood behind the ball and visualised the shot , you will probably aim the clubface first , then hold the club and finally adopt the stance .
20 You will probably realise that these books are precious ; they are also , some of them , worth a considerable amount of money .
21 As your children get older you will probably want to encourage them towards a more unselfish view of the world by pointing out that their rights have to be balanced against the rights of others — and that includes their parents .
22 As you get used to the F-Plan method you will probably want to plan your own high-fibre meals and can do so easily with the caloric and fibre charts in the middle of the book .
23 You will probably want to continue adding a pinch of salt to your cooking water for potatoes , pasta and rice , but make it as little as possible .
24 These butterflies are so quick and easy to make the more enthusiastic amongst you will probably want to try your hand at producing various named species !
25 If you should decide to concentrate on one particular nursing specialty then you will probably want to undertake a clinical nursing studies course .
26 Most of you will probably want to qualify your answers .
27 In heavier air you will probably want to keep the boat square and play the waves .
28 Whether you use a shell to hide from the C : > prompt or as a useful tool , you will probably want to customise it to suit your system and personal preferences .
29 If you really enjoy cooking you will probably want to be able to take at least some meals in the kitchen and to have as much space as possible for herbs , spices , pots and pans , cook books and all the other impedimenta collected by the keen cook , quite apart from generous food storage and good kitchen aids .
30 If you cook constantly , have a family and are forced to spend a lot of time in the kitchen , you will probably want to make it much more of a family room where people can sit around and talk , have a drink , do their homework , write notes , lists , letters , pay bills , and do a lot of eating .
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