Example sentences of "you that there be " in BNC.

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1 To begin with , let me remind you that there is a very profound link between the Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit .
2 Not all of this man 's behaviour has yet been revealed , of course , but I can assure you that there is one incident to come which in itself justifies almost any degree of the pain that has so far been applied to his brain and his skin and his bones .
3 I congratulate you that there is so soon to appear another volume of your favourite Mrs. Leapor 's poetry .
4 Any broadcaster will tell you that there is something different and better about a live ‘ performance ’ .
5 As such , although dramatic results can be obtained , every qualified chiropractor will tell you that there is no average length for the course of treatment your condition may require .
6 If the stick becomes obstructed that tells you that there is a diversion and you must dig at that point to determine the new direction .
7 → Just to set your mind at rest , Phil , I 'll start by telling you that there is nothing wrong with your equipment ; the situation is definitely down to other factors .
8 And I can tell you that there is something in Cave 's music , something black and unnameable , that 's becoming an increasingly rare commodity in modern rock .
9 I can assure you that there is no significant after sales support provided by Olympic Technology , neither is there any on-site maintenance ; their much-trumpeted service is a myth .
10 ‘ If anyone tells you that there is n't prejudice they have got to be lying ’ … .
11 I can assure you that there is nothing sub-standard or left out of a home built machine .
12 It may or not surprise you that there is already an element of regional Government actually in the U K already and since development is the issue that the Labour Group has raised , we 'll take the work of the Development Association , which I was involved in in the mid eighties and which actually does some good work to actually bring industry actually to this region .
13 I would not disguise from you that there is concern as to what the ultimate result will be .
14 You 'd find lots of academics erm at the Shakespeare Conference in Stratford who would agree with you that there is far too much over-reading of Shakespeare .
15 Yes , I 'm sure what you say is true and , knowing as many people as we are privileged and glad to know , I agree with you that there is a wide spectrum , but it 's always the case that the vociferous ones are the ones that set the tone , and often in wrong light .
16 You 'd find lots of academics erm at the Shakespeare conference in Stratford , who would agree with you that there is far too much over-reading of Shakespeare .
17 Let us remind you that there are three categories for entries : 1 Plants and flowers ; 2 Gardens ; 3 Gardeners .
18 I hope this list show you that there are a lot of things to consider , especially with an IBM PC .
19 I hope to show you that there are things you can do to improve your frame of mind ; and that this is a necessary preliminary to engaging with change , whether by promoting , implementing or opposing it , in an intelligent and powerful way .
20 Do n't let anyone persuade you that there are rules about using video that you must n't break .
21 Even berries from adjacent bushes can taste quite different , with hints of grape , cherry , plum , and subtly varied textures , reminding you that there are 400 micro-species of bramble in Britain .
22 I can assure you that there are very great people at the bottom of the riot . ’
23 However complicated the facts may be , however much your junior may try to persuade you that there are seventeen arguments in favour of one course and fifteen in favour of the exact opposite , believe me , in four cases out of five there is one point and one only which is cardinal to the whole situation .
24 Thank You that the United States and Russia have signed a further peace treaty today , and thank you that there are continuing efforts by the United Nations and European Community to bring peace to the Yugoslav territories .
25 In a certain language your analysis might show you that there are , say , three basic stems for each verb ; once you have determined that , elicit all three stems of every new verb you collect .
26 While I appreciate the point you make about the long standing nature of your request I must advise you that there are many similar locations throughout the Region where there is inadequate space to provide a bus shelter .
27 Having examined this location I regret to advise you that there are several reasons why this stop can not be relocated as requested .
28 Between these walls , Carrington , I will pledge to you that there are plotters in high places , and as an indicator of just how high , I will add that Lord Halifax himself is possibly among them .
29 I still had the suit on — and Fly 's glasses if I needed any props — so I got a ‘ that 'll do nicely ’ sort of smile and the up-from-under look which tells you that there are advantages to private medicine .
30 Alright all I all I 'd ask is that would you erm just mention to him what I 've said and that if he believes after discussion with you that there are some pallets which are not in a fit state to send out , and they are gon na tip over on a lorry and dislodge , then they are rejected and Pete Pete knows about it and they are they are actually isolated and rewrapped .
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