Example sentences of "you [vb infin] [prep] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 By the way , what name did you answer to in your jobs ?
2 What did you think about about the the Parliamentary Labour Party at the time ?
3 A typical example would be : How many uses can you think of for a brick ( or a paper clip ) ?
4 That music to me is as important as the famous tenor aria in G flat major — now how many other arias can you think of in that key ?
5 What arguments can you think of in favour of NBFls increasing their holdings of UK assets and reducing their holdings of overseas assets ?
6 What other old important buildings can you think of in London .
7 What changes do you know of in the landscape or the use of land in your area ?
8 Erm do you know in in the flats , erm different ethnic groups .
9 But as I say what do you feel as as students do you feel that you have the facilities here that could be improved on or or
10 They asked people a series of incidental questions , like ‘ What did you feel like in the morning ’ , which sparked off associations and aided memory retrieval — without hypnosis .
11 Who did you speak to at the Palace ?
13 What should you look for in a primary school , before agreeing to send your child at four ?
14 What qualities should you look for in a hotel bed — and , apart from the bed , itself , how important are those little extras like hairdriers , giveaways and mini-bars as a way of adding value in a highly , price-conscious accommodation market ?
15 How many erm children did you look after before you ?
16 Who do you work with in music ?
17 And can you see by about now the muscles are beginning to feel .
18 I ca n't hear you see from under here .
19 What do you sound like on the er thingummybob Alec ?
20 Whom do you vote for in Ulster if you are a Roman Catholic Tory — and such people do after all exist ?
21 For that matter , whom do you vote for in Ulster if you are a Protestant and a Socialist ?
22 So What other memories do you have of of , then ?
23 Er what sort of relationship did you have with with the men , did you er particularly thinking that you you were still for a long time after that , the the branch secretary of the union as well you know .
24 And er where did you go to after Lane School ?
25 which one would you go for as being the easiest the one you 're most sure about ?
26 Though , it 's just that , one of the things that Caroline actually , er working on with Warwick University is a way of re-looking at public services and how there funded right , it 's basically to help David to make the case with Margaret Margaret for more money with the local Government , but erm I mean the sort of things we 've been getting into is like when you considering paying for public services , should you , should you pay like in advance like through the National Insurance System or like , like I mean the French Health Service for example , people pay it for ambulances when they use them , though they pay on a differential rate , but I mean it 's an issue to debate , it 's right , and I 've just been thinking about lavatory while you 've been speaking .
27 Of you er you mean of Do you mean of over here ?
28 I do n't know , what do you mean by in wh
29 Well it , yeah but will you put on on the end of that ta at right at the end there , so they 're out the way .
30 How many magazines do you subscribe to at which you hardly glance ?
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