Example sentences of "you [vb infin] [conj] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 But do n't you think that gen that Harlow generally has that feeling ?
2 Do you think that erm any of the town 's been badly designed for the old people ?
3 Can I just say , do you think that erm there 's a er within the last twenty years there 's such a terrific change in society , like people who know other coun er other countries know each more through television
4 Do you think that erm a n true statement ?
5 So do you think that erm when this law was erm pushed through in nineteen forty seven that er perhaps Mao you know well I think there 's been a bit of excess now , I think we 'll do some we just need , we just need a bit of a rush now just to take us through a bit and then we 'll stop it in a few months time .
6 Do you think that er the use of animals in research is ever justified ?
7 Tell me John I 'm pleased that we 've er we 've managed to get business completed this evening , I think it 's gone very well , I 'm sure you agree , er do you think that er did you find the , the exercise of completing that planning the future document was of benefit to you ?
8 Erm I mean the if you , if you 're looking at erm at er at , at , at the costs on that erm I mean do you , do you think that er er that that 's a reasonable sum to , to actually put aside ea each month to provide that sort of protection or , or perhaps you ought to be thinking of , of looking at a higher figure .
9 Er in the context of bulk transfers would you like to comment on the Good Committees conclusions on the bulk transfers of members between schemes and how they operate , and do you think that er there is widespread abuse or do you think er on balance your experience has been that where bulk transfers have taken place , they have taken place responsibly , but I would in that context ask you to comment whether there has been an unreasonable time delay where you have experienced bank bulk transfers between the transfer actually taking place in terms of employees being transferred from an undertaking to another undertaking and the actual transfer of their pension funds .
10 But do n't you think that th do n't you think that the fact that the father , I 'm speaking do n't you think that the fact that the father has made a capital settlement
11 How do you know that erm animals do n't reason ?
12 And the other thing erm which er er is good , supposing you 're watching er a programme and there 's a football match on and you 're interested in the , the football er but you do n't really want to keep , you know , switching to find out what the score is , er I 'm talking about teletext as opposed to a programme , you press the update and it w er and if something 's happened , you know , they 've changed and there 's been a score , it 'll come up er er while you 're watching the programme , er it 'll let you know that erm there 's been something happening .
13 Did , did you know that erm Spinal Tap was a film before the band came out ?
14 And after that it 's , it 's partly systematic , that you discover more organisations and you go and look for them , and it 's partly luck , that erm you drop into a library or you meet someone who says ‘ Oh , did you know that erm there are these papers in , in such and such a library ? ’
15 DID YOU know that 30–50% of malignant melanomas are fatal ?
16 and they 'll you know that er they 've got ?
17 Do you know whether er did the wee boy say he 'd call back ?
18 Do you know if er what er Tony er civilian occupation was ?
19 Do you What do you do do you know if erm if you ever want to get to a phone to see a doctor or wh to get to a the doctor
20 Do you f you you feel that erm present government , erm do you feel that erm the other political parties what they 're erm suggesting with their policies for the inner cites , do you think they 're any better ?
21 So do you feel that erm I mean I know that you 've been here twenty one years , and do you think women are more important or less important in the factory than they were ?
22 So what do you , I mean do you get on alright with the management or do you feel that it 's mostly , is the management mostly male and do you feel that er there should maybe be a wee bit more representation for the women workers in management ?
23 How would you feel if er a if I said sort of describe how you feel on a scale of one to ten ?
24 Do you watch that er that London 's Burning ?
25 That has been the main probem problem with the delay , can you confirm that erm assuming the the software is er is actually rated flight safe er that there are other stages yet , we 've still got to integrate the weapons systems , sensors and everything else .
26 Do you remember that erm woman we saw in the park with those two little girls ?
27 Do you remember that do you remember that erm erm Jamaican party we went to ?
28 So when you bought the bedroom suite , erm , can you remember if erm , what the purchase tax was on it then ?
29 Did you see that erm did you hear that in the Zenith Data
30 Erm did you see that th they 're , they 're going to look for some sort of gene called the Churchill factor ?
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