Example sentences of "you [vb mod] [verb] he " in BNC.

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1 Mr Wakerley told the jury : ‘ You may think he soon realised his position was hopeless . ’
2 If your horse is a reluctant showjumper you may find he is more enthusiastic at hunter trials , due to the natural-looking fences and the galloping between fences , which can wake up the laziest or horses .
3 When the mesomorph gets onto solids , you may find he ‘ wolfs ’ down big meals very quickly .
4 You may say he has an intimidating record .
5 You may remember he was dropped by the Blue Bulls amid speculation that Naas Botha considered him too selfish .
6 Yanto grinned and pointed it out to Billy as he came around to join him ‘ I 've found him , ’ he said quietly , ‘ and you must admit he is very hygienic . ’
7 ‘ But you must admit he has n't seen your ability , and you know what men are like .
8 ‘ It 's all important ; Roman is the foremost designer of sports and leisure clothes in the world , and you must realise he can do a great deal for my career . ’
9 You must know he is n't . "
10 You must know he takes care of all the drivers ’ problems .
11 You should suggest he visit Portugal .
12 Want to nail him to the fence you should think he 's not
13 And I think you should know he wanted me to go out with him . ’
14 You should know he does n't have so much .
15 Miss Evans said , ‘ You might say he 's been more like a father to me than a brother . ’
16 ‘ If you do n't mind what you say to your father , you might remember he 's also a detective chief inspector . ’
17 You might find he 's very tired this afternoon
18 Er you might try he 's often fairly B P S'ish yeah erm and em if you managed to find he 's always got loads of bumf about jobs in psychology and stuff like that .
19 So you 'll think he 'll just flow into the next day 's
20 ‘ And you 'll ensure he comes to no harm . ’
21 ‘ I think you 'll find he 's also her brother . ’
22 I should warn you — you 'll find he 's a rather silent type where women are concerned .
23 I think you 'll find he wants him to be the best player in Scotland and NOT England
24 I remember that song that you mentioned that you quoted at the beginning of the programme ‘ Look into the Irish , the Welsh and the Scot , you 'll find he 's a stinker as likely as not ’ is how it went on .
25 ( Look back at the Cliff Gallup solos we covered in June and July and you 'll notice he did just that , too . )
26 Never one for false modesty , you 'll notice he 's included two Malmsteen albums : ‘ Rising Force ’ and UFO 's ‘ Strangers In The Night ’ .
27 Never , ’ she defended , then added thoughtfully , ‘ However , if you do get him back to his old city life , you 'll know he 's doing it for you , and you 'll be assured that he really loves you . ’
28 Now you 'll did he hurt your leg ?
29 You 'd think he 'd come for the Christmas or even write but never a word , no thought for anybody except himself , ’ and it cast a deep shadow when they tried to imagine what kind of space enclosed Luke in England during the same hour , but they were n't able to imagine it .
30 You 'd think he 'd allow for that on a day the like of this . ’
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