Example sentences of "you [vb base] we were " in BNC.

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1 You mean we were the eldest for five years there
2 You say we were on our way out any way .
3 You know we were the Poms , not you lot .
4 And he er and he was really delighted of course , so he said , Well I 'm holiday and I 'll come round with the caravan , so I had my holiday which did n't make much difference because there was had to you know we were n't working really , and I went round with him for this week , all round and the villages everywhere .
5 But , erm all that time I was running the young wives ' and we used to hold a stall in the garden , at the garden party at the church , and w when you took your takings in , you know th the treasurer would say you know , who are you , you know and I used to say young wives ' and then one day I said well , you know we 're no longer young wives , you know we were getting old and I decided there and then I 'd had enough of young wives ' , you know and er , er because I , I said , I , I was secretary and I 'll close it down it , it erm the young wives ' closed down and er er it , it had actually closed down and this lady was marvellous this secretary of the Guild , who would kno known mother and she was a councillor , she come dashing down , you know you , you , th the young wives ' has closed and you know you 've got excuse .
6 And it gave lots and lots of work to our colleagues and you know , when , when I say that er I think I made a comment that at that time , er had made the , the , the comment about er the winds of change and that er you know we were never better off , well really the unemployment figures were so low at that time that it 's to my mind you know , a truism .
7 Er yeah , well you know we were rough because , but I mean if we got into a fight , there we there were no gang warfare .
8 You know we were , love , ’ Faye said gently , as she lay back against the pillows again .
9 You know we were intelligent people who asked intelligent questions .
10 Well it was the same no distinction at all in that sense , but er you know we were sort of they had more serious things to talk about than I wan er you know I knew the cook , er couple of o other apprentices from the carpenters shop we used to go into the main th there was no-one to keep an eye on us in the in the mess-room you see , no-one to tell us .
11 So I think you know we were all very ware aware of that of people that were had been active in the miner 's strike .
12 You know we were asked , Do you want your own bank account really and we decided er democratically that we 'd have the one bank account really for make sure the D H S S did n't start snooping really and you know er that 's worked very well I mean certainly the men very much tell us everything that 's going on and erm well you know I do n't think there 's any conflict of erm I do n't know you know it 's it 's difficult I suppose it 's amazing really the way it does work you know and that er you know but it 's quite loose really because it 's er that 's in a way the way one of it 's successes probably you know that 's it 's not a very structured I mean probably the lodge is more structured I mean men are used to their lodge meetings are n't they you know ?
13 Well you know we were n't too impressed with that and the next day he took that back and re-employed them .
14 It 'd got to the stage where the workforce were not gon na talk to the management on a an official level , you know we were still talking informally at the picket line and , you know still trying to be helpful and offer our advice on what could be done to solve the dispute .
15 You know we were all amateurs at the game , the workers , but some of the women you know do it professionally , had worked elsewhere , knew how things went on elsewhere you know , with the D H S S or whatever .
16 I found it difficult to keep going because of the hypothetical situation you know we were talking it about it early
17 You know we were n't , Fernando .
18 thing is that you know we were at w we , actually we got lost and were asking directions .
19 You know we were saying about erm
20 Right , now I 'm trying to say to you is , that if , if you write , you write all these things down , you 'll find that one thing wo n't react with another , you know we were talking about interacting
21 erm I think to defend our interests , to a certain extent , yes , you know we were threatened and erm in that sense only perhaps .
22 You believe we were attacked for the same reason and probably by the same person .
23 Not when you think we were going to call ourselves Fleetwood Mac . ’
24 The first twenty five minutes , when you think we were one nil up right I thought gosh if we could get that second goal it would have made all the difference and United would have been really would have been in trouble .
25 you think we were gon na change it . .
26 And for , our children when they grow up cos I had three children nearly every one that had come into the town had little ones so you see we were trying to build a town for our children to benefit which I do n't know whether you think that it 's a town worth living in but I think that we have done very well and it 's a town that is caring for such as the elderly they really do care !
27 You see we were never hungry , although you know er times were bad and all that , you were never short of money either .
28 you see and ther I su I suppose there was about ten or a dozen girls behind the counter because it was early and late turn for them because you see we were open , you see , until ten o'clock at night , you see , and er then , well , anyway , after that erm I heard about this job going as Assistant Manageress at Cambridge and er so I applied and the Manager said to me , I thought well I 'll be here ten years , erm I can be here until I 'm you know , donkeys years and er so he said well look you may not get a job because he said that another girl coming from Norwich to go to Cambridge to see the Manager as well as you and so you might not get it , she might get it , and , however , I went and er I , I met the Manager and the Manageress in the front office , the Manager 's office and we all had a chat but I did n't see the girl from Norwich , she must have gone some other day and anyway I got the job , you see , and er , and so I went to Cambridge as Assistant Manageress and I very well and I got to know all kinds of people , all nationalities being a university city .
29 And when the war came you see we were rationed for nearly everything .
30 We you see we were both single at that time .
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