Example sentences of "you need [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ What do you need her for ?
2 Do you need one after the next one , 'cos which sticks one , which
3 What did you need them for ?
4 What do you need me for ? ’
5 What d' you need me for ? ’
6 Yes I do , why do you need it for ?
7 Well do n't you need it to be here ?
8 Do you need anything from the house ?
9 You knew she 'd be there tonight , which is why you needed me as protective cover .
10 and then if you needed it for the further education you could use it
11 I just thought I 'd tell you that in case you needed it in any of your essays .
12 Having got as far as the inverted stage , the easiest answer is to pull the stick back and perform a ha If loop to recover ( again , that 's why you needed lots of height ) .
13 With the weather changing — we 've got to move Seawitch — you need me to — And what about food ?
14 You need me for anything else now ?
15 You need me for this one . ’
16 ‘ Call me if you need me in Theatre — but I 'd just as soon Tim Mayhew did it — I do n't trust myself near that bastard . ’
17 Then he had added , ‘ I 'll be over at the factory if you need me before then .
18 Yes , I mean we 're not in the position to do what some of the , certainly I know some of the banks do , which is to guarantee a job after five years , let people have five years , you know , the maternity leave plus a guaranteed job at the end of another four when the kids start school , on the proviso that you can call them in if you need them within that period , for a bit of extra help .
19 Not because you wonder if you need them in June , but because they are long white scars instead of neat little puncture marks .
20 Joseph Russell ( right ) of Teleconomy demonstrates with Karen Gilmore of Estates ( seated ) how to divert your calls if you need them in another office and how to transfer calls across AEA .
21 well you need them in your hand so what have you done with them ?
22 Some states even issue a non-driver 's licence : it actually says This Is Not A Driver 's Licence because you need something for identification .
23 I think you need something on the other panel , above the oculist charts , he said at last .
24 The point is , that you need yourself to be surrounded by other supportive adults for your own erm sanity and well being and that 's why I think erm you need an , a whole extended situation and you need to change the way people feel about , about children so that , children have more access to adults in general , and adults have more access to children in general .
25 Well that 's a bulb , you need one without the other , so if that does n't arrive so you 're knackered .
26 You need one for simple jobs like driving picture pins , and for all sorts of other tasks like nailing down loose floorboards and mending fences , not to mention any woodwork you may be assembling .
27 Just as you have a routine for looking after your skin , so you need one for looking after your hair .
28 Well , I think you need one after
29 ‘ Look mate , ’ replied Sooty , ‘ when you sweep chinmeys for a living , you need plenty of liquor to swill out your guts . ’
30 Climbing roses are always popular for cladding arches , but you need plenty of headroom , with uprights for enough apart for thorns not to be a problem .
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