Example sentences of "you [modal v] be [conj] " in BNC.

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1 " Silly question , of course you must be or they would n't have let you out . "
2 ‘ I know less than nothing about you , and if you 're important , which you must be if you 're a , well , a tycoon , then I expect you entertain a lot — friends , business associates — which means that you 'll need someone who 'll be a credit to you — and I do n't know if I can !
3 ‘ No reason why you should be because she was . ’
4 10–30 per cent overweight and not as fit as you should be If you are between 10 and 30 per cent overweight , and similarly you get puffed out easily , do little or no exercise , and consider yourself unfit , you too should begin by exercising gently .
5 I hope for your sake that those who provide them for you are as careful in following the rules as you should be when creating your own .
6 Any idea what you think you might be if you look at that , look at some of the questions , some of the descriptions ?
7 And you 'll be and you 'd be thinking , Ah I can see where he 's going now yeah I can see what 's coming up next he 's going to now he 's he 's integrated once
8 Now how you 'll be when you 're seen as being more of an adapter , or more of an innovator .
9 You 'll be when they 're gone .
10 And I knew just where you 'd be and how you 'd be lying . ’
11 Think where you 'd be if you 'd chosen him . ’
12 Imagine how surprised you 'd be if a dodo popped up in your back garden .
13 The house band and the musical instruments he gathers together here — drawn variously from the ranks of primitive innovator Harry Partch and his disciple Tom Waits — are as far from normal as you can get , as far from easy listening as you could be and go right to the psychic core of the Mingus muse .
14 You shall be as marble until …
15 Erm my advice to you would be that in the past , before the coffee rooms was run by this particular person firm we had very great difficulty with them and I 'm sure John will bear me out on this .
16 Think how irritated you would be if you began reading a story with the opening sentence ‘ They were cooking apples . ’
17 ‘ And then he talked about how amazed you would be if you knew who Oliver really was . ’
18 Five years you 've been at it now ; you should be a concert pianist , and you would be if you had practised . ’
19 I told her where you would be and she told Fernando … ’
20 And I was saying but I 'm not cos I mean like day weeks he goes yeah but you 're just as bad as all the rest of them , you would be and he would n't say anything , you know , he would n't even tell me that .
21 You will be if you do n't get dressed !
22 You will be when the background is drawn , and several of these creations appear at once !
23 You will be when you have finished the drink .
24 No , you can be when you 're
25 But after you reach a certain stage in life — I 'd put it somewhere between forty-five and fifty-five — you suddenly feel you are as secure as you can be and you really ought to give something back to society .
26 You can be as erm you can drive a vehicle at any age on private land
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