Example sentences of "you [modal v] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You , ho you should ideally all have a ouch , a file like this and , before I pick this up , erm , the best way of organizing your files and just , just take separate bits of paper now , to save yourselves time , is to take separate pieces of paper for the separate topics , that separate people have done , and as you 're talking to each other , begin making notes and adding to , to these different bits .
2 Also , you should bc wary of putting down pots and pans straight from the stove ; this might cause the ceramic to crack .
3 Of course , you might live perfectly happily together but you might also hanker for your lost independence .
4 You might well that 's an extortionate way of of er of conducting a a market research .
5 You might well rant and rage , and lash about with all the fury of a gathering storm , but underneath there are different vibes , making a commotion totally their own , are n't there ?
6 Does it worry you that you might never funny in a film again ?
7 We just thought you might okay one travel warrants .
8 But you 'll most likely have what we have now , then , a self-selecting coterie
9 Sit down together and talk honestly about what 's happened , what it could involve in practical terms , what you 'll probably all have to do without .
10 were doing this programme in the United States that 'll be , but then of course you living in the States you 'll probably all have guns
11 So tonight the wraps are off and I think you 'll agreeably surprised by what you hear !
12 Which meant if I did it in year three , which I 'd liked to , then you 'd obviously equal or went into drama .
13 " You could 've had Harry without any competition at all , if you 'd so much as bent your little finger .
14 Well you 'd naturally one or two just to see if they 're in what they want .
15 So you could just all out in rhyming prose which takes a long time .
16 at first you could just wrought iron it round and , and just give it that
17 So can you g tell me any numbers that you could any two numbers you could multiply together to make twelve .
18 Erm now the periodic table , we 've looked at that before and it 's the if you knew the periodic table and where everyone fitted in , every all the elements fitted in or you if you had a copy , you could very intelligent guesses .
19 It 's a much more exciting and lively place and more relaxed than you could ever possible imagine if you read certain tabloid newspapers . ’
20 Well , if you think something like AIDS , it comes in , you know , where a lot of people die disease , you could always important .
21 As we can see rather graphically here , the difference in if you stand back against that wall if you would very kindly , erm you see here the difference in level between nineteen ninety
22 If necessary you would then follow-up with physiotherapy treatment ( if referred by a GP this can be claimed back from health insurance ) and remedial exercises in the small but well-equipped gym .
23 It may be advisable , therefore , especially in the case of a young dog which is not yet fully trained to return when called , to keep your pet on the leash more than you would under normal circumstances .
24 6 If you wish to make use of the scripts as they stand or in some adapted form for some purpose and use distinct from those outlined in paragraphs 2 and 3 above , you will please first seek our written permission to do so .
25 Jonathan , Jonathan , dad wants to watch the news in a minute please , so hurry up and change it over You 'd think they 'd save that You do n't know , I would n't be surprised you will well that 's marvellous is n't it ?
26 You can fine some information a bout each of these methods on pages 2–6 of this leaflet .
27 Er , well it depends er one or the two , you can either one or two .
28 You can also colour-code or underline parts of the word which might cause difficulty , and can comment on the tricky bit when you record .
29 To find a given subject you can just double click on the appropriate word in the word list , or type a word into a search box to bring up a number of related articles .
30 At one of Lloyds most recently opened clubs , Lloyd 's Lanes , in Enfield , North London , you can even ten pin bowl your way to fitness and fun .
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