Example sentences of "you [verb] got have " in BNC.

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1 Plant , we 'll you 've got to have your crea creativity from somewhere your ideas have got to come from somewhere that 's the plant .
2 And having l your mother and father left er , your parents had left you with such low money in the early stages you could n't In any case you could n't My friend was a nurse , but you 'd got to have a special background .
3 Well at the moment with the the mining industry as it is , unless you 've got had you 've got or had a relative working at the pit , the local , you have n't got the s chance of in .
4 you 've got have somebody
5 You 've got have n't you ?
6 Erm , if that 's the case , you 'll notice that the two copies that you 've got have the writing on the back .
7 my wellies are too big for you , I 've got much bigger feet than you 've got have n't I ? , look you just compare
8 So he said oh you 've got have flunter .
9 anyway the girl said well I 'll ring first to see where you get your application form she , and the , Sue phoned and was on the other end and I said oh you should apparently you 've got have erm , er , application form and Mrs going to send you one , I said is that Mrs on the line she said is that Mrs speaking , she said yeah , I said will you tell it 's Mrs she said oh , well , tell Mrs she 's no need to apply I 've got all her details and she is being looked at , you know , we are looking into it anyway erm , as I say I had this letter just after Christmas to say that there was a job coming up at the Mencap at Wellingborough Road , Rushden , and I was being selected and erm would I go up for the informal interview on the Monday and the formal interview at the hospital the next morning , so I went up got the first person there and er she , she , it 's a new , it 's an old house but they 've done it all up and there all papers on the floor and then she said oh I think I 'll pick these up Ir Irene , I said oh call me Joy everybody does and she said alright , OK , I said oh I 'll help you so of course I said , I went straight down with her on the floor picking all these papers up and she , and when the next person come she said poor old Joy ai n't even got in the door and that 's it , she 's already working and she said I can see you 're like me Joy you 'll do a job when you see it 's got ta be done , I said I 've always been the same , I ca n't , I ca n't see a spoon or a bit of paper laying on the floor
10 you 've got have the aerial at the back and that connects
11 Sorry you 've got have n't you ?
12 You 've got to have a work-force that believes in you .
13 You 've got to order , you 've got to prepare , you 've got to have the right environment — the character of the place — and you 've got to sell what you 're offering , for example .
14 You 've got to have a price range the public can buy .
15 You 've got to have a laugh with the kids , ’ says the proprietress , ‘ they 're alright . ’
16 You 've got to have glue to stick your show together properly and the graphics and the music are the glue .
17 A tenon saw : Even if you plan to do no more carpentry than cutting a veneered chipboard shelf to length , you 've got to have a saw .
18 You 've got to have a yardstick of some sort — ’
19 You 've got to have the luck as well .
20 You 've got to have thongs for the beach .
21 You 've got to have the right bloke mind , ’ Yanto smiled at her , as she stood up and shrouded herself in his blanket .
22 You 've got to have damn good eyes . ’
23 Steve Groves for ‘ We shot it yesterday when it was 3 feet higher' ’ Nick Reason for ‘ Dad , I know you 've got to have a head for heights to canoe over a waterfall like that but why 's that man got two heads ? ’ ,
24 You 've got to have ambition if you want to come to this club . ’
25 But as Ted Sandy-man ought to have realised , ‘ you 've got to have grist before you can grind ’ ; machine-masters end up machine-minders , and all for nothing , or rather for an insidious logic of expansion .
26 You 've got to have some status , you 've got to have some sort of relationship , however short-lived .
27 You 've got to have some status , you 've got to have some sort of relationship , however short-lived .
28 In other words , you 've got to have , shall we say , the equipment to go with the line .
29 Novell Inc chief Ray Noorda 's contribution to Bill Gates ephemera is the comment after their two companies had had a disagreement : ‘ To have a heart-to-heart with someone , you 've got to have two hearts … ‘
30 You 've got to have time to sit and listen to it . ’
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