Example sentences of "you [verb] to that " in BNC.

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1 Well I 've got this one , what do you think to that one , My Mum 's a Window Cleaner ?
2 Yeah well if you want to that then that 's fine as well , I mean that Tell you what , the best thing then is can everyone put a note in my pigeon hole by Monday in other words , you 've got the weekend to decide for definite .
3 I mean , er the thing is if you 've got a name and you want to that 's the time to work for it in that little
4 Pool can not read how much of your mental power you devoted to that one , small task .
5 Because you used to that .
6 But I feel you have enough evidence in front of you to come to that conclusion .
7 Why do you object to that ?
8 They 'd , they had to because there were , they got , when , after the union was formed you know , they were having the rights er but and I think really the hours they put in and the type of work they deserved it , but erm there was a time you know when the bosses were bossy sort of thing , and er and you adhered to that , because you did n't know anything different until erm the unions started up , but erm I know there were one or two processions you know and peer rights and all this that and the other , but erm on the whole it 's er it 's been an eventful life in , in some ways , very eventful and it 's been interesting .
9 What did you do to that finger , Lisa ?
10 what did you do to that , look ?
11 If you came to that , how would William react to having someone else working in his living-room ?
12 You listen to that .
13 The teamleader would seize his collar yelling : " You speak to that client again and I 'll beat your fucking head in , now give me the lead ! "
14 Maybe the man at the ticket barrier 'll say , ‘ Hey , love , what have you done to that beautiful hair of yours ? ’
15 How are yo , are you listening to that now ?
16 Are you listening to that , then ?
17 Will you see to that , Dieter ?
18 Bill , there 's a point , you keep referring to Governors who are political appointees , and the inference that you give to that .
19 When you replied to that memo from Joan , the pensions manager , was it a successful response ?
20 So how do you react to that ?
21 How do you react to that ?
22 So when you get to that point it becomes really tough to communicate , so of course no-one was communicating .
23 But when you 're going to that exit there if you get to that position and you have n't give a sig given a signal , that 's the point , just after the junction there at the point of the junction , to give a left-hand indicator signal , mainly for people waiting there .
24 You must reserve that signal till you get to that point there .
25 So when you get to that point you you 've more or
26 So you get to that stage , and you think forget this .
27 Mm , find it difficult when you get to that stage , it 's usually when you , once you want
28 Yes , it 's very hard because you get to that stage where you know you can only really push forward for so long , then when it you know , the whistle looms near , you try and you know , you 're just going to go for the result really , and keep it you know , a clean sheet and just get a point out of the game .
29 A week later you returned to that place of winter and never returned . ’
30 And when did you move to that job ?
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