Example sentences of "you [verb] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The type of notes you make are personal but the important point is that you can follow them with only a glance .
2 The key is to start with something simple ; 95 per cent of the decisions you make are unconscious — for example , when you drive a car you never really think about putting it into first or second gear .
3 If you want to carry the smallest possible quantity of water or get the best possible price in the market , the judgements you make are important in a way those made in a water tray or school shop can never be .
4 Have you stopped being angry ?
5 So the thickness of the neck you got was likely to depend on whether José had a hangover that day or not .
6 So the thickness of the neck you got was likely to depend on whether José had a hangover that day or not .
7 ‘ I can see you 've been busy , and , as I said , I congratulate you .
8 ‘ Precision of the kind you mean is important in science .
9 Many of the issues you raise are important , and are being addressed .
10 I 'm going on a fast for a few days because everything you eat 's bad for you . ’
11 ’ So you 're trying to say that the beer you sell is healthy ? ’
12 " Such entreaty would n't be answered if what you sought was likely to bring you pain . "
13 There was no doubting her sister 's passion as she struggled to express her resentment , writing : — on my life Lily I declare I want only what is best for the child and would not be Cruel to him nor the cause of Cruelty and what you asked was Cruel the child knowing no Italian and being Fearful of leaving me the only Mother he has known and who he loves as his own .
14 You can borrow up to six items at any one time and most items you borrow are due back in 28 days ( not a month ) , but some in heavy demand are due back in 14 days .
15 Which do you think are good , entirely good ?
16 Switching , if I may , from Victorian novelists to more contemporary novelists , who do you think are good novelists of today ?
17 What do you think is fishy ? ’
18 What do you think is wrong with what the assistant is saying ?
19 ‘ So how much of the rest do you think is true ? ’
20 Do you think being serious is the same as being unhappy , Ma ? ’
21 Do you think being French helps ?
22 He said , erm , well what would you think was reasonable ?
23 She came at me with a stool in her hand — who do you think was terrified then ?
24 What you advocate is similar to the International Baccalaureat , a successful school-leaving certificate pioneered by the International School in Geneva and now accepted by reputable universities worldwide , including Britain .
25 I would estimate that on present form our cost to the heads of agreement stage may be another [ ] assuming it is a UK buyer and that the information you supply is satisfactory to the potential purchasers .
26 The Flight levels at which you fly are odd and even .
27 Temperatures can fall very low during the night so some form of heating in the room where you sleep is advisable .
28 What you suggest is monstrous .
29 But , you might find the trip you want is full , and you have to go for another .
30 Old fashioned notions , perhaps , but since what you want is old-fashioned marriage , those are the principles on which it should be based .
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