Example sentences of "that most of the " in BNC.

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1 After the object ( a toy car ) had been put at B , the boxes were locked ; with the result that most of the infants went straight to B , could not get in , and returned to A and tried to gain entry to a box which they could see ( whatever ‘ see ’ means here exactly ) was empty .
2 First , Mr Gorbachev knows that most of the West regards the prospect of a swift unravelling of his country 's front-line Warsaw Pact ally with almost equal alarm .
3 ‘ We need some people to be made to testify under oath so we can find out what went wrong with that investigation , ’ said Mr Laframboise , stressing that , at this point , it does not matter that most of the physical evidence has been destroyed .
4 This autumn the ground is so dry that most of the earth falls away through the gaps in the conveyor-belts , but the digger can not distinguish between potatoes , stones and potato-sized clods of mud , and the whole lot are delivered aloft , along two belts made of metal rods .
5 Police officers insist that most of the killings are drug-related , especially in Rio , where minors are employed as delivery boys and armed lookouts by traffickers .
6 Dr Bob Holman , a National Children 's Home neighbourhood worker on the Easterhouse Estate in Glasgow , told a conference in London on growing up in the inner city organised by the Thomas Coram Foundation and chaired by Lord Scarman , that most of the 44,000 people there lived in poverty .
7 But by the end of the 1980s record balance-of-payments deficits , rising inflation , a weakened pound , and failure to impose the monetary disciplines on which the government had prided itself , suggested that most of the old problems were still present .
8 This is n't for any covert reason , it just happens that most of the BBC 's committee rooms are down there !
9 It seemed to Pearce that the best way to gain his goal was to go into the Civil Service , which was the career that most of the more successful pupils from his school tended ti follow .
10 But on the whole I do n't think that most of the men have changed their ideas or attitude that much . ’
11 Lewis knew well that most of the dons would vote for David Cecil or E. K. Chambers .
12 But directors of small companies who can have their own special pension arrangements will find that most of the benefits of such schemes have been removed .
13 Miles Kington found that most of the Burma Road ( Great Journeys , BBC-2 ) is even wetter .
14 The Foreign Office said last night that most of the people in the camps were fishermen and farmers from the north seeking a better life .
15 ‘ When I came here with my parents in 1974 and saw that most of the ‘ Australian ’ souvenirs were imported from Hong Kong and the Philippines , I decided to try and break into the market , ’ he recalled .
16 But it is understood that most of the banks who have lent money to Bond have secured their loans against assets or have made provisions against ultimate default .
17 The new ministers soon find that there is remarkably little room for manoeuvre , and that most of the quick and easy panaceas to the intractable problems of Defence have been tried many times before .
18 The market discounted the fact that most of the military policy-makers doubted the practicability of reverting to the British tradition of voluntary regular service without taking undue risks with the country 's security .
19 The government is concerned that most of the disappearances are blamed on the security forces .
20 On February 15th President F.W. de Klerk announced that most of the remaining obstacles to constitutional negotiations with the African National Congress ( ANC ) had been cleared away .
21 America is the closest thing to a financial laboratory for these sorts of questions , so it is there that most of the answers should be sought .
22 The fiction was planned in three or four parts and I assume that most of the first and second parts was incorporated into The Childhood , the initial manuscript of which is in a notebook identical with the extant one , fiction II ‘ begun 12. iii .
23 But does n't that mean that most of the European investment will always tend to go to the centrally placed Golden Triangle countries who occupy this privileged position rather than to the United Kingdom and other peripheral countries who are in less favoured areas ?
24 The thing that perturbed him slightly , though , was that most of the men she talked to were young rather than old .
25 I suppose I look very confident ; I know that most of the time , that 's how I want to look .
26 For instance , a study of the dies used for the bronze coinage of Antoninus Pius ( AD 138–61 ) circulating in Britain has suggested that the total stock of bronze coinage in circulation was of the general magnitude of about ten million sestertii ; as the population of the province was about five million at the time , we can conclude from the low figure of two sestertii per capita that most of the population can not have used coinage on anything like the scale required in a fully monetised society ( see also p. 51 ) .
27 To my chagrin , I found , back in present-day Clonmacnoise , that most of the stone slabs with strange carvings of Celtic saints , reminiscent of Celtic gods , had been taken indoors and put in glass cases under bright lights in the accursed Centre .
28 The worse criticism , of course , is not that Carpenter 's Gothic was cheap nor that most of the styles chosen were imitative but that it did no good .
29 His essay , ‘ Of Parents and Children ’ , still makes salutary reading , and by no means sings the praises of paternity ; it suggests that most of the ‘ noblest works ’ of civilisation have been accomplished by the childless .
30 ‘ I went to the Tokyo Motor Show and looking around realised that most of the new big cars were front-wheel drive and nearly all had transverse engines .
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