Example sentences of "that could never [be] " in BNC.

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1 Something that could never be undone , only destroyed outright .
2 Music that could never be taken as light entertainment .
3 People believed they knew things that could never be shared ; mysteries too deep and powerful for outsiders to understand .
4 In over four years of ‘ The Great War for Civilization ’ , something that could never be assessed had been crushed by the imbecile violence of the Great Powers .
5 The guitar is still the one that could never be replaced by anything digital because you would never be able to get the same sound and feel on a computer .
6 A judgment that could never be applied to either the Edgar Broughton Band or The Deviants , two fabulously freaky bands whose message was delivered with all the subtlety of a Molotov cocktail .
7 None of this criticism is aimed directly at Kylie , who does , in all fairness , endeavour to instill some life into a bunch of staid , production-line work outs that could never be anything more than pointless .
8 There is one allegation that could never be made against Harold Wilson : that he was an anti-Semite .
9 Something alien had come between them , something that could never be removed .
10 How hopeless and ludicrous everything was : the seas of incomprehension , the misunderstandings that could never be cleared up because we seemed not only to speak different languages but to inhabit different countries .
11 He never wavered from the view that the whole sequence of vertebrate life on earth was an expression of a divine plan , unified into a coherent whole by the rational power of the Creator 's mind , but divided into distinct sections that could never be linked by natural processes .
12 It was all most puzzling and distressing , they said , undoubtedly some mysterious accident that could never be explained .
13 Instead , almost aggressively , she answered , ‘ My marriage was an experience that could never be repeated . ’
14 It would remain with her forever , locked in the innermost corners of her being , a dull , aching pain that could never be assuaged .
15 Anne had never known Mark properly , had n't understood his unorthodox behaviour , his irreverent sense of humour or the way he 'd detested sad , miserable faces , pointless regret over things that could never be altered .
16 Stealing affection , just as she did , as well as this house , and the money that could never be yours !
17 Of all lights in the room these make the biggest difference and are a blessing since you can plug them in and put them behind plants , or in corners , or behind large pieces of furniture to give a beautiful , dramatic accent light , creating mood and interest that could never be imagined by day .
18 Dreams and reality had collided in her shocked mind with stunning force , sending her hurtling over the edge of that invisible precipice , and the fall had broken her into a thousand agonising pieces , like brittle shards of glass that could never be whole again .
19 But now he had ignited a fire within her that could never be put out .
20 The founders of the Community knew that they could not create a viable organisation if they established goals that could never be achieved .
21 They had a bond that could never be parted , by her or Steve .
22 I mean at one stage we go back a hundred years — back to Dalton he thought of his atoms as being fundamental entities that could never be broken up , whereas now we know that an atom is a very complicated structure and we can measure things about atoms , we can measure the distribution , we can where the electrons and so on are .
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