Example sentences of "that can [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 God must be explained or defined in terms that can be understood , or at least readily believed , by the masses of the populace .
2 ‘ Michelet has strong emotions , and he smears what he feels on to paper without caring in the least how he does it , and without giving the slightest thought to technique or conventional forms — just shaping it into any form that can be understood by those who want to understand it . ’
3 In a series of conversations with the Frenchman Didier Eribon published by Thames and Hudson this month , Sir Ernst Gombrich , former director of the Warburg Institute and one of the most distinguished academics of our time ( yet one of the most accessible because of his belief that it should be possible to explain everything in language that can be understood by a child ) , talks about the development of his ideas , his values and the events which contributed to their formation .
4 They should strive to present findings in a way that can be understood by practitioners without sacrificing the truth of their assertions , and should pay attention to the dissemination and development of findings .
5 And that is why you have to ensure that whatever elements you put in initial-clause position in your target text or in a given part of your target text add up to something that can be understood as a method of development and that can provide a point of orientation for that part of the text .
6 They wo n't need to see all of your data , but choose certain items to print out or type out in a way that can be understood by the non-linguist .
7 At the bottom of the argument about running state schools like a chain of McDonalds hamburger restaurants , handing out Big Mac gift vouchers to disadvantaged kids , is the issue of whether education is ultimately just a utilitarian service to the marketplace that can be understood in simple commercial language , or something more important and fundamental that warrants different treatment .
8 I would make it clear that I was seeking to build upon a solid platform of achievement — whether true or not — with gradual developments that can be understood and accepted from the outset .
9 A merit of this approach is that the variables are visually presented in a style that can be understood by generalists and specialists alike .
10 The first reference to John that can be traced is in Muirkirk Session records in which there is an entry — ‘ On 19th September , 1680 , it was delated to the Session that John Browne in Priesthill … ( and others ) … did not attend public ordinances . ’
11 She considers the idea , implicit in much feminist theory , of an authentic self which is said to be socially conditioned by patriarchal power , and argues that this idea owes much to a tradition in Western philosophy which dates back to the Aristotelian distinction between actions that are voluntary and actions which are coerced , a tradition that can be traced through Descartes to the present time .
12 In what follows my main purposes are : ( 1 ) to demonstrate the patterns of simplification that can be traced by comparing our inner-city data with that of the city-wide random sample ‘ doorstep ’ survey and the outer-city community studies ; and ( 2 ) to consider how far a theory of strong and weak ties can account for the maintenance of complex patterns and the development of simpler ones .
13 It is a fundamental concept that can be traced back to earliest times .
14 They also evince an obvious preference for Greek , as against Latin , as an object of study — a preference that can be traced back to Nietzsche 's schooldays , which produced a noteworthy essay on Sophocles ' Oedipus Rex ( 1864 ) .
15 The garrulity of women — one of St Jerome 's first objections — clearly underlies the crude joke of Du Con qui fu fait a la besche , noted above , and woman 's moral weakness is apparent in Cele qui se fist foutre sur la fosse de son mari , a version of a tale known as the Matron of Ephesus that can be traced as far back as to the classical author Petronius .
16 Historians who have reconstructed the context of his trip have generally concluded that , far from being a momentary aberration , the Montreal speech was the culmination of a policy that can be traced back to the early 1960s .
17 Secondly , the proportion of SERPS that can be inherited by a spouse has been reduced to a half rather than the full amount under the original scheme ( Walker , 1986 , p. 193 ) .
18 The nature of this decoding device is shown in Figure 4 ; it is complicated , but unfortunately one must understand the complications in order to understand some of the fundamental questions that can be asked about the nature , origin , and evolution of the code .
19 If there does appear to be something interesting going on , there are several useful questions that can be asked next :
20 One of the interesting questions that can be asked about the curriculum has to do with the relative power and influence of these various actors in the planning process ; for example , in their study , Boys et al .
21 The intelligent amongst us have already been looking at the questions on page forty seven and realizing that despite the weirdness of the sound of this music there are some quite direct things that can be asked .
22 When you think about a spreadsheet database the idea to have in mind is of an active list — one that can be asked to supply any of the details you have typed into it .
23 Hunters must obtain a permit and there are bag limits on the numbers of goats that can be shot .
24 The tenrecs look very much like the hedgehogs and have a similar defensive armour , with fine spines that can be erected as the animal rolls into a tight ball .
25 The lories , a branch of the parrot family , have acquired a tongue with little papillae on its surface that can be erected to form a brush with which to sweep up nectar .
26 Outriders mounted on huge slavering wolves patrol the area to the tribe 's front , probing for enemies and scouting out small settlements that can be raided and pillaged .
27 This is essentially an intelligent guess about what is happening , but in a form that can be tested .
28 As a simple example of a prediction that can be tested using the laser vaporization tube set-up , the collapsing model predicts ( as does the pentagon road ) that the ratio of the C 70 yield to the C 60 yield will be high when the tube temperature is low , and vice versa .
29 However , just as in the case of the electromagnetic and weak unified theory , there are low-energy consequences of the theory that can be tested .
30 If you want to be really safe , a condom or , to avoid vaginal or menstrual fluids , a dental dam ( a square of latex that can be placed over the vulva ) can be used .
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