Example sentences of "that we can not " in BNC.

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1 You will enter my machine , he wrote , and the trip will consist in the discovery that we can not even get started .
2 It is true that we can not observe or measure directly mental processes taking place in the brain in the way that we can measure , say , blood flow via a brain scanner .
3 Teaching often involves looking in detail at particular passages , in the hope that the part will relate coherently to the whole , but the doctrine of the hermeneutic circle reminds us that we can not understand the parts until we understand the whole ( and vice versa ) .
4 We regret that we can not entitle this article ‘ Homage to Mr Lawrence ( sic ) Binyon , ’ for Mr Binyon has not sufficiently rebelled .
5 At any rate , though we would most of us like to maintain that Pound 's Fascism is a quite distinct issue from Pound 's poetry and his criticism , it is plain that we can not do this .
6 As for his colleagues , Mr Smith said : ‘ We 're all agreed that we can not spend what we have not earned and we intend to earn it before we spend it .
7 He said : ‘ We have very good arguments to prove that we can not be held responsible for the actions of a few people who did not know what they were doing .
8 As the year ended the events in the Gulf reminded us sharply that we can not take peach and freedom for granted , and that substantial risks continue to be faced by those serving in the Royal Air Force .
9 The fact that we call both our mother 's brother and father 's brother by the same term does not mean that we are unaware of the fact that we are related to them in different ways or that we can not express this difference by using such phrases as ‘ my uncle on my mother 's side ’ .
10 as if to ensure , however , that we can not interpret this work as a declaration of Gironella , s ideas about race and colour in Mexico , there exists another version , almost identical but for the fact that this is a white queen .
11 ‘ The problem with recycling is that we can not determine the colour of waste material in advance .
12 That we can not make those leaps of vision so because we are bound to a cultural view which denies their possibility . ’
13 It is all right to tell a whopper on an answering machine ( ‘ We 're sorry that we can not answer your call right now ’ is either a lie or a statement of the obvious ) , but no one will forgive you for not ‘ getting back ’ to him later .
14 I know it is all of you , body and soul … there is nothing dim or mysterious in our love that we can not fathom or understand. , It was a creed she held tenaciously — sometimes blindly — to the end of her life .
15 What , then , of the arguments of the sceptics that we can not claim knowledge about reality ?
16 As Locke says , ‘ in some of our ideas there are certain relations , habitudes and connections , so visibly included in the nature of the ideas themselves , that we can not conceive them separable from them , by any power whatsoever ’ .
17 But every coin has a flip side ; although we might be better equipped to maintain health , we should recognise that we can not stem the effects of time .
18 The short answer is that we can not , and that structures of this kind do not in fact evolve .
19 Many of us find it difficult to have faith and trust and feel love for someone that we can not see and often feel that we can not hear or get close to .
20 Many of us find it difficult to have faith and trust and feel love for someone that we can not see and often feel that we can not hear or get close to .
21 ‘ The bad is that we can not expect sharp short term demand recovery , certainly not recovery pulled through by exports ’ , he explained .
22 Nevertheless , the inherent limitations of such evidence mean that we can not absolutely exclude a small risk . ’
23 To define the different forms of theism and atheism is no easy task , and it requires from the start a degree of modesty and admission that we can not hope to cover everything !
24 It happens to be the case that we can not , in our language , refer to the sensible properties of a thing without introducing a word or phrase which appears to stand for the thing itself as opposed to anything which may be said about it .
25 Given that Britain ( like many other countries ) is now recognisably a multi-faith society , it should be clear that we can not conduct this enquiry from within the terms of Christianity alone .
26 Pressing , as her distresses are , if I did not think her heart was rightly turned , I should be afraid of proposing such a measure , lest it should unsettle the sobriety of her mind , and , by exciting her vanity , indispose her for the laborious employments of her humble condition ; but it would be cruel to imagine that we can not mend her fortune without impairing her virtue .
27 I fear that we can not return to Salzburg very soon and mamma must not wish it , for she knows how much good it is doing me to be able to breathe freely .
28 As the quotations above show , there is a recurrent recognition by the great minds of the Christian faith that we can not separate the knowledge of ourselves from the knowledge of God .
29 The plain answer is that we can not be certain about it .
30 In conclusion , it seems that we can not accept without question the dramatic increase in recorded crime as corresponding to a real increase in victimization of the same proportions .
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