Example sentences of "that we be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now what I would like to say is that we 've made clear that we 're with certain very clear objectives in pushing forward , in saying that certain things had to be achieved and when I read the lilac piece of paper or whatever colour we want to call it .
2 Now that we 're into the Nineties , the agencies have changed tack , and such Eighties ' characteristics as greed , selfishness and sad Paisley ties have become passé .
3 Moderator questions are asked for clarification of points in the report at this stage , they 're not asked , it 's not general questions that we 're into .
4 After that you know surprises were n't as big and er it just worked out that you know the particular market that we 're into was neglected here and then apparently it was neglected in Australia because we had Maggie you know a number one hit in Australia before we went out .
5 You may have seen in the press that we 're including free Microsoft Windows 3.0 and mouse with every 386 and 486 we offer .
6 ‘ This was our chance to play together and show people that we 're about artistic expression , not violence or prejudice . ’
7 ‘ I also see that we 're about as alike as chalk and cheese , because I would never sell out a whole species for the wrongs of one group .
8 Er the very fact that we 're at our desks er for more than seventy percent of our time filling these forms in er prevents us from moving on to the next prisoner and going out and arresting more people for crime .
9 We work a one-in-three rota , which means that we 're on duty every third night and weekend , as well as doing an ordinary working week .
10 " … that we 're on opposite sides of the desk , as it were . "
11 ‘ Which means , ’ Trish said patiently , ‘ that we 're on the books until the party ends .
12 And of course that become overlayed by the Gulf situation , but there are clear signs now that the recession has bottomed out but that we 're on the way up again and of course as far as erm terrorism and war is concerned , memories are pretty short .
13 erm Part of the project that we 're on is trying to look at the possibility of tracing timber through from the forest right through to the end user , or at any rate , the sale at the saw-mill , in the same .
14 ’ In the short term it means that we 're through the recession which has been really difficult to get through
15 Well it 's hard to know where to stop , really erm I mean the , the difficulty of concentrating on one area of the country , is that we 're of course I think there must be very great differences in different areas of the country .
16 That 's the background that we 're against .
17 We did n't want to pop in else your father would be saying that we 're after selling you a new hat again , knowing your weakness for hats . ’
18 As for the replay , we know that we 're in no way inferior . ’
19 We 're not pretending that we 're in love with each other .
20 Sonar says that we 're in eighteen fathoms .
21 ‘ I do think it helps that we 're in the same profession .
22 But in the sense that we 're in the Common Market now , I see the whole current situation as anachronistic , rooted in 19th century thought .
23 I think that 's one of the purposes Mr chairman also of the , of the educational seminar that we 're in the throes of organizing , to actually to do that .
24 And I fear therefore that we 're in precisely the same position as we were when the presbytery of Hamilton brought their overture to us .
25 Now that we 're in the war we 've got to bring it to a successful conclusion in a way which gives the best possible chance of lasting peace and security in the area .
26 and you know it 's a case of whether you believe that we 're in favour because we got this money and therefore we 're likely to get
27 Mhm mhm , although I take it that we 're in fact
28 Could we not call it sort of discussions and to try and put our point of view , our , our difficulties that we 're in , rather than erm , er , er , the narrower thing ?
29 It 's not a mess that we 're in , it 's your Tory government are doing this .
30 So what dictates that we 're in a position to pay those bills off .
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