Example sentences of "that we [vb past] been " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It was very hard work in many ways ’ , he told me in February 1985 , ‘ and the fact that we 'd been thirteen years [ in Opposition ] meant that most of them , almost all of them , had no experience at all in government .
2 I knew that I always overestimated the time these outings took , but I was certain that we 'd been going for over two hours , and still we were crashing on .
3 It turned out that Anderson had lived in the last apartment that we 'd been in , moving out the day after we arrived .
4 They 'd never know that we 'd been and gone .
5 And the vicar did pick this up in his sermon and he did mention the Co-op Womens ' Guild and so we were very proud that we 'd been mentioned you see , you know .
6 ‘ Once the rumour spread that we 'd been asked to put forward a campaign for a Danish-based company with worldwide interests , we suddenly became very popular . ’
7 And erm I say he was n't er he would n't go to ACAS , Will and our Glyn from erm they went to ACAS , and they said oh everything 's fine in our quarry but they were side stepping the main issue that we 'd been sacked and there 's the boys are out and majority of .
8 And then little did he know when he used to leave them in the house , in the back yard , that we 'd been pinching some of them .
9 I realized then that we 'd been barking up the wrong tree . ’
10 Did I tell you that we 'd been adopted by a kitten ?
11 I knew the face and knew at once that we had been intimate , but I had no idea who she was .
12 ‘ They say that it was a mistake that we had been told that the outbreak was due to Salmonella enteriditis , ’ she said .
13 When I found out that we had been placed next to each other in class with all my friends around I went , ‘ Oh no , I 'm sitting next to Grant ’ .
14 While the recovery is a little bit slower that we had been anticipating when I left GM Europe , it 's not very much different than what we had expected .
15 To begin with we used what paper , pens and pencils we could put together from our hand luggage and from among the belongings left in the house that we had been bundled into .
16 Outwardly , I criticised them as much as anybody , feeling more than pissed off that we had been hit on their account .
17 Later he said to me that we had been very helpful to him and he said it 's bad enough to be depressed but when you 're depressed and hungry , it 's really bad .
18 Now that we had been here for nearly seven weeks , we were beginning to wonder if the final climax would ever take place at all .
19 We returned to Makassar from the Toraja highlands with dangerously diminished funds , realizing that we had been in Celebes for two months and that the chances of finding a prahu which could carry us the nearly two thousand miles to the Aru Islands were remote .
20 We were in precisely the same place that we had been in three dawns previously !
21 Miss Fergusson had maintained , when they first stood before the haloed mountain , that there were two explanations of everything , that each required the exercise of faith , and that we had been given free will in order that we might choose between them .
22 He was a senior , dedicated member , and it did n't at first appear that he had committed any atrocities , but we later found out that he was responsible for denouncing people who had anti-Fascist sympathies , and that it was because of him that we had been taken to Tabiano .
23 That evening my men , led by Kassimi , came to my tent and expressed regret that we had been recalled , which I felt was the genuine sentiment of most of them .
24 One fishing vessel that we had been watching for a long period had more than one narrow escape from detection by British controls , but was finally turned back by Dutch customs patrols shortly after leaving a Continental port with a cargo of immigrants on board bound for the UK .
25 In doing so I like to think that we had been good ambassadors for the Department ; I know we all enjoyed every minute of the three hectic months .
26 Then a ripple of information came down the queue to say that we had been ordered back to the station because there obviously was n't sufficient bus capacity .
27 I wish that we had been able during the last few months to persuade our European colleagues that we are not arguing just for a narrow British position .
28 This continued until Bob Prentice tactfully suggested that we had been given enough help !
29 ‘ If the fact that we had been here came out , the source of the information would be obvious . ’
30 The Agency 's work strategy has , has been made available to members , and erm , I think if we look back to a previous Committee , where the er , information was provided , that we had been successful .
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