Example sentences of "that she would be " in BNC.

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1 They feared that she would be seen as ( indeed is ) abrasive and lacking compassion .
2 It had been splendidly undemanding ; because of his family , she did not see him more than a few times a month , always meetings snatched at short notice and with absolutely no expectation from him that she would be available .
3 She must look at two other things , hard and solid , so that she would be strong for the battle ahead .
4 ‘ Well , at least you 'll have someone to meet you at Euston , ’ Rose said softly to Maggie who already knew that she would be met .
5 She played with the choices during the remaining days allowed her , knowing in her heart that she would be forced to take the safe path into the civil service .
6 She wore her bridal clothes and jewellery : this was how her mother had sent her , for the first time , from her home , taking care that every detail of her ornaments should be perfect hoping , praying that she would be happy .
7 The Galiaras were told that she would be put on a plane at 3.30 pm .
8 He prayed that she would be forgiven for being herself and following her nature .
9 She laughed at him and said gravely that she would be happy to indulge him , and he went away , grinning .
10 McLeish , shaking his head , rang Catherine and broke it to her apologetically that she would be required for the afternoon .
11 His next letter offered her marriage to save her from the dreadful future of stripping off that she would be subjected to otherwise .
12 I had arranged for her to see a specialist , and he told me the condition was irreversible , that she would never lose her sight completely but that she would be almost totally blind within a year .
13 Mrs Ross , Mrs Girdlestone added , had only her pension to live on , and she repeated that she would be glad if I could do something about her as soon as possible .
14 Only I do n't know how I should set about finding a home , let alone one that she would be happy in . ’
15 In chapter 17 it seems that Abraham did not tell Sarah that she would be having a child .
16 Her baby chin , her drooping petal of lower lip , her tousled mane of blonde tresses , her girlish gingham dresses with white décolletage , combined to create a look of chaste girlhood with a strong hint that she would be quite prepared for you to sully it .
17 ‘ Habibi ’ was a pretty and correct Arabian mare , so her owner decided that she would be the showpony of her dreams ; but she forgot about Habibi 's temperament .
18 Wilson was immediately worried that the rooms she had ready would not be thought adequate , that indeed she did not know if she herself thought they were adequate , and that she would be unable to prepare meals in her feeble condition , but Miss Blagden laid to rest all her anxieties .
19 Mrs Prentice , had to wait until 2.20am before she knew that she would be joining him in the House , ousting Tory Energy Minister Colin Moynihan , in the process .
20 Her intervention — after dismissing reports at the weekend that she would be standing for the deputy leadership — will be seen as an attempt to block Mr Gould 's bid for the post .
21 I recollect one girl putting on dark glasses as a disguise in the hope that she would be luckier than Oliver Twist .
22 When Wendy opened hers , she found that it consisted entirely of crispbread and realised that she would be able to eat only during the applause — Harrison Birtwhistle 's music had not yet been written .
23 She assured her staff that she would be quite safe chatting with three of her lady friends .
24 Amy assured the concerned woman that she would be alright and the staff would be returning about llpm .
25 ‘ As I remember it , on the occasion when she first accosted us , you told her that she would be better off at home with a baby on her knee . ’
26 At first the thought of going back to work made me shudder because I could n't stand the thought of leaving Danielle for an hour let alone a whole day , but once my husband Dave and I had left Danielle with a babysitter a couple of times , I realised that she would still be there when I came back and that she would be fine .
27 But on the picket line Bob Busby had pointed out to her that the Shadow Scheme was official University business and that she would be strike-breaking if she kept her appointment .
28 In a public display of Cabinet loyalty , Douglas Hurd , Foreign Secretary , and John Major , Chancellor of the Exchequer , signed Mrs Thatcher 's nomination papers and the Prime Minister again made clear that she would be prepared to fight through three ballots if necessary .
29 Some expressed the fear that she would be humiliated if she carried on , or that even if she won she would be leading a demoralised party .
30 At the police station , she said , she was told first that she would be charged with assault and then that she would be charged with disorderly behaviour .
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