Example sentences of "that she [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 The young Palestinian men who had gathered in the room to hear her story sat quietly , knowing that she would finish her grief and that this was a ritual even if it was a deeply felt one .
2 When her morning 's work was finished she thought , as she thought every day , that she would walk along the Mootwalk to Bale 's and at last set her mind at rest .
3 And he had lain awake late that night half hoping , half dreading that she would return .
4 The fact that she would return to the same workhouse 10 years later was in itself not untypical ; many genuine helpers in such institutions may have had it in the back of their minds that one day they would become the cared for , rather than the person doing the caring , as old age took its toll .
5 Although he always sent her out with new clothes that should have made her embody his idea of elegance , he was resigned to the fact that she would return in a version far removed from his original concept .
6 Imelda Marcos , widow of the former President Ferdinand Marcos who was overthrown in 1986 , said on Sept. 3 that she would return to face trial in the Philippines if the government agreed that her husband 's remains could eventually be reburied in his homeland .
7 Several of his perfumes seemed promising and in the end she took away samples in three small bottles and promised that she would return when she had tried them out .
8 It was a dreamy , thoughtful sort of state that she was in , passive , yet alert , storing up all kinds of impressions and ideas that she would examine later .
9 The medical social worker said that she would request a home help for Mr Brown and also Meals-on-Wheels several times a week .
10 I 'd rather taken against this woman — she was frightfully solid and know-it-all and not funny , you know — and to be difficult I asked her how she knew this , thinking that she would quote out of some boring manual or other .
11 Miranda wished devoutly that she would stop showing off , that she would behave … well , like other mothers .
12 He could n't really think that she would stop her investigations just because of a few threats ?
13 She slipped under the bedclothes and switched on the reading lamp , adamant that she would shove him to the furthest corner of her mind , but the minute she opened her book her brain started working again , throwing up images of him , the way he smiled , that confident knowing look in his eyes when he addressed her .
14 There was little doubt that she would marry again and hopefully it would prove a more comfortable arrangement .
15 She had been adopted as a small child by the counsellor 's wife , now dead — so said my companion , adding that it was well known that she would marry Victor , and so come into a deal of money .
16 She emphasised that she did not want to get better ; that there was no reason or motive for her to get better ; that she wished to remain in control ; that she would cure herself when she decided that it was right to do so .
17 She emphasised that she did not want to get better ; that there was no reason or motive for her to get better ; that she wished to remain in control ; that she would cure herself when she decided that it was right to do so .
18 Moreover , if she were to enforce a purely nationalist policy in respect of nuclear matters in Scotland , that could have consequences that she would regret — because the quantity of Scottish fuel reprocessed at Sellafield is vastly greater than the amount of overseas fuel brought to Dounreay .
19 It was degrading even to contemplate that she would feel an obligation towards him .
20 If the place had carried the distinct imprint of Carson 's personality the action would have fitted in easily , but the apartment was strangely arid in its elegance and she was sure that she would feel unsettled .
21 So if you 're going or When my daughter had a driving test I was massaging neroli all over her in the hope that she would calm down .
22 The only thing that she would change , she does n't like all the work !
23 He hardly dared hope that she would change her mind and marry him .
24 But it was not to Rachel that she would go , but to her mummy .
25 Alison 's eyes had brightened at the word ‘ divorce ’ and she said that she would go on seeing him .
26 As she was drinking it , she decided that she would go into the hospital , on her way to the office .
27 And the typing college was a come down , I can tell you , from his idea that she would go into a profession ; he 'd even thought of university .
28 ‘ I would n't mind , ’ she explained , ‘ but they just took it for granted that she would go back to work and I would look after the baby , without even asking me . ’
29 By this time we were all soaked to the skin , so we gave up , knowing that she would go off somewhere and have a good sleep .
30 That summer her island trip was to Thásos , and I was particularly glad that she would go there as it entails flying to Kaválla , which can be the most desirable flight that a woman can make in Greece .
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