Example sentences of "that she [be] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ On the fact that she 's the most wonderful girl in the world .
2 Not that she 's the only one .
3 ‘ Joanna will have her work cut out to convince him that she 's the equal of any man when they set up in practice together . ’
4 Well , in that she 's the first woman Prime Minister , she 's the longest serving Prime Minister of erm in this century .
5 This , however , does not mean that she is the wife of all the men of the descent group at the same time .
6 ‘ Does n't the Prime Minister realise that she is the only person in this whole shameful episode that ca n't make the excuse that I was only obeying orders , because she was the person giving the orders — and the orders are tyrannical . ’
7 Anna 's family are all dead and she now believes that she is the last person left in the world .
8 She can not hear that much of his business life is tedious , worrying , tiring and not all that exciting ; he can not hear and see her boredom and exhaustion in his fantasy that she is the one who has everything — not having to earn , not having to stir out each morning and so comfortable with only a baby to look after .
9 It seems to be saying that the Queen of Hell , separating from the Sacred Bride/Divine Mother , becoming the Boar , fusing with Adonis , transforming him to Tarquin , and then destroying the Sacred Bride/Divine Mother under the illusion that she is the Queen of Hell , is the perpetuum mobile of the Equation . ’
10 The other jockeys riding the talent-packed opposition in the Juddmonte International Stakes are well aware that she is the big target .
11 Dr Robert South emphasized this point when he declared shortly after the Restoration that the Anglican church ‘ glories in nothing more than that she is the truest friend to kings and to kingly government of any Church in the world ’ .
12 The feeling that she is the indispensable centre of her small world is , indeed , the joy and consolation of her life .
13 The prosecution must prove beyond all reasonable doubt that she did not consent and the defence will be irresistibly tempted to raise that doubt by suggesting that she is the type of woman who might well have done .
14 For example , when Audrey has previously been described as ‘ a strapping lass ’ … who ‘ fought boys … ’ ‘ led her own gang ’ … was ‘ as good climbing trees and drainpipes as any boy ’ , why is it that she is the only one to reach the fortress ‘ limping and sobbing ’ ?
15 I 'm writing a report on her former colleague , because suspicions have been voiced that she is the agent of some foreign power — though , I hasten to add , I personally regard this as nonsense , and am convinced he died simply because she somehow …
16 I would say that she is the strongest woman er heroine that we 've read .
17 H.D. , nicknamed ‘ the Hama-dryad ’ , is the subject of much high-spirited comedy in the letters that Ezra and Dorothy exchanged , and this ought to provoke second thoughts in those who want to take Hilda 's account at face-value : H.D. may have honestly persuaded herself that she was the great ( though virginal ) love of Pound 's life , but it 's unlikely that Pound thought so , nor need we .
18 This was the street along which she had run , a skinny and excited ten-year-old , to boast to her father that she was the only girl who had made it to the next round of the chess competition .
19 ‘ In the course of this process we have talked to Miss Morgan 's solicitor , who told us that she was the life tenant of a substantial estate , and that you are what they call the remainder-man . ’
20 He liked to hint that his relationship with Gina was some sort of grande passion and that she was the love of his life .
21 There was something in her voice that reminded Tug that she was the one who had beaten him round the face .
22 When Jan first saw the fresh faced youngster — by now 18 years old — there was never any doubt that she was the actress for the role of Charlene .
23 Anne knew that she was the only live person in the carriage .
24 She had believed Jack at the start when he had told her that she was the pillar , the guardian , the deep essential truth of his life , the indestructible centre point .
25 It is highly likely that she was the same woman that Emma Southwick imagined was having a nip with Tiller in the back room during rehearsals way back in the St James 's Hall times .
26 However , when Dolly Howard thought she would peep through the curtains to see how her father was reacting to the nudes she found that she was the one who was shocked .
27 If you put your finger up her bum while she was coming , she did n't pretend to object just to stop you running away with the idea that she was the kind of woman who would n't object if you put your finger up her bum while she was coming .
28 The thought that she was the one with a boyfriend with a car made her feel very important — one up on Paula for a change !
29 Then he learnt that she was the man 's daughter , and frivolous thoughts were swept away on a tide of sympathy .
30 Then a young woman — dark , quite a looker if you liked that sort of thing but a bit too full of herself for Bennett 's liking — walked into the club and announced that she was the dinner guest of Sir Robin Day , he could only treat her to his coldly disapproving smile and direct her to the ladies ' bar .
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