Example sentences of "that they have not " in BNC.

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1 The disadvantage of this method is easily demonstrated by asking the students as they finish if they are sure that they have not forgotten something .
2 Marjorie Perloff has remarked that young American academics and students have a shared culture based on having read or studied the same books : ‘ they have , by and large , taken courses that expose them to writers like Freud , Nietzsche , and Marx , whereas the odds are that they have not taken a course in , say , the lyric poetry of Goethe , the fiction of Stendhal , or the theatre of Molière . ’
3 ‘ Our biggest problem with A-levels is that they have not been modified in the light of the GCSE , ’ says Brian Howseman , principal of Luton Sixth Form College .
4 Detainees are often subject to prison conditions despite the fact that they have not committed any crime .
5 It was Charlton 's 11th away success — a League best — and their achievements are all the more commendable coming in the wake of last year 's relegation , the departure of manager Lennie Lawrence , the on-off move back to the Valley and the fact that they have not been able to compete in the transfer market .
6 The law-makers , roundly condemned by Brian Moore , England 's hooker , on the nonsensical grounds that they have not played for 40 years , have decided that when a maul — ball in hand — grinds to a halt , or the ball becomes unplayable , the team not in possession at the start of the maul should put the ball into an ensuing scrum .
7 17.33 With regard to spelling , the aim should be that by the end of compulsory schooling pupils should be able to spell confidently most of the words they are likely to need to use frequently in their writing ; to recognise those aspects of English spelling that are systematic ; to make a sensible attempt to spell words that they have not seen before ; to check their work for misspellings and to use a dictionary appropriately .
8 Because some reforms are hidden from public view over the horizon does not mean that they have not been thought out and designed .
9 The existence of A level courses may be seen not simply as a useful tool for individual pupils who may want to go further in their education ( or have a certificate to show that they have not left school till they were l8 ) ; but as a measure of the standard of the school itself .
10 The participants are often quarrelling before the day is out , their only consolation being that they have not been left out in the cold .
11 Nevertheless , with all their drawbacks , panels are interesting ways of collecting information and it is rather surprising that they have not been used more in academic research where ideas rather than pin-point accuracy of measurement may be the desired goal .
12 The researchers admit that they have not yet achieved the ‘ ideal scheme ’ , for the switching is not truly random , but is related to the ( different ) periodic frequencies of the generators driving the standing waves in each cell .
13 On catching sight of me she threw up her head , and as I was not looking in her direction she stood stock still , as these animals have a habit of doing when they are under the impression that they have not been seen .
14 As a result far too many people emerge from their doctor , lawyer or bank manager feeling that they have not had a fair deal and have been treated as children rather than as adults who know their own mind .
15 These are the only really dependably low-calorie choices : Consommé — any flavour ( lovely and clear , so you can actually see that they have not sneaked in extra calories ) 60
16 The majority of candidates who fail do so because they have been so nervous that they have not been able to think clearly , far less to perform well .
17 It seems to me that part of the problem of players complaining about the pressure of the modern game is that they have not attuned themselves properly to what is required .
18 The materials which I designed myself as illustrative of a particular approach to teaching ( for example , Widdowson 1978 ; Allen and Widdowson 1973 ) , have been criticized on the grounds that they have not been subjected to evaluation and thereby given the seal of practical effectiveness ( Murphy 1985 ) .
19 ‘ The IASC has spent almost 20 years in developing basic standards and it is unfortunate that they have not been used in practice .
20 Although the maximum tax relief an individual can obtain on BES investments in any tax year is limited to £40,000 , investors can claim up to half of the relief for the previous year on investments made before 6 October ( subject to a maximum of £5,000 , assuming that they have not used the full £40,000 in that period ) .
21 When buying extended works , the collector should make sure that they have not been the subject of depredations of this nature .
22 The idea was to move away from an elitist and centralist view of things , yet it was to be a long time before such changes were implemented in the Government 's media , and it might well be argued that they have not progressed very far to this day .
23 I want to suggest that they have not and that there are equally plausible ( though less politically attractive ) explanations for the associations they claim to identify .
24 The arrest on May 13th of Mitsuhiro Yanagitani , formerly branch manager for Daiwa Securities at Kunitachi , in west Tokyo , and Ueki Kenjiro , of its Nagoya branch , makes it clear that they have not .
25 The cruel would say they are all a load of balls and the more open-minded that they have not had a fair trial ( in cricket terms : a decent net ) .
26 Er that is that at least three of the articles are talking to quoting different organisations er suggested that the playhouse theatre trust had been recommended to do something about their marketing er a at least two years ago if not longer ago erm certainly it 's my knowledge er they have not employed specialists to that they have not employed a specialist to that indeed since the last er appointed publicity officer left , that person that post has not been er refilled er could I ask the theatre trust why they have chosen not taken that recommendation seriously ?
27 Those involved in trusts may be disappointed that they have not been allowed greater financial flexibility — a point underlined by Sir John Harvey-Jones in his Troubleshooter series on television — but a start has at least been made in improving the management of hospital resources .
28 Women often have to prove to housing officials that they have not made themselves ‘ intentionally ’ homeless .
29 At the lasts two A.G.M. 's of the parent body , the Hong Kong Branch has failed to comply with the constitution in that they have not submitted a Branch Report for consideration by the A.G.M. The chairman of Standing Committee has subsequently written to the Branch on several occasions reminding them of the need to submit a report and so far , has not received a reply .
30 This does not necessarily mean that pupils can not distinguish the 2-D from the 3-D shape — they may be using a more familiar name for dual reference — but it probably does mean that they have not formalized for themselves the relationships among the various features of cubes and pyramids .
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