Example sentences of "that they are just " in BNC.

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1 In fact Labour governments ( in 1965 and 68 ) have been at pains to prove that they are just as good at keeping out the blacks as the Tories .
2 Conversely , some people who are a great deal heavier than they should be can persuade themselves that they are just right ( or simply ‘ big framed ’ ) .
3 Do n't be fooled into thinking that the shop assistants are unconcerned about appearances , that they are just a kooky bunch of crazy kids who live hard , play rough and dress casual .
4 The idea of curing pain with a lump of rock may sound crazy , but precious gems have been used for healing since ancient times , and many people believe that they are just as effective today
5 While most cavalry lack the rank bonus , their ability to charge in and kill large numbers of enemies before that enemy even gets to strike back means that they are just as capable of inflicting catastrophic defeat .
6 The assumption itself may patently be wrong , but nevertheless it is difficult for people in superior positions to realize that they are just as fallible as those below .
7 Never is it allowable for an individual or a team to have an off day for the very simple and plausible reason that they are just tired !
8 Our Liberal colleagues go down to Leamington and ask the audience to believe that they are just as Liberal as ever they were .
9 Yes , but On the last comment that er Chris made er bringing us and the letter to county about the the failure of the meeting on the twenty second cos we feel that they are just lying down to the situation and not pursuing a pursuing the D A P about whatsoever and erm we are , certainly in John 's letter probably get it signed tonight complaining and asking for a a meeting as soon as possible because we feel that that they ought to be pursuing the question of these two sites , they 're dragging their feet !
10 It means that they are just going to be even poorer than they are now .
11 ‘ Teaching at home is a bloody waste of time — the students are so alienated that they are just not interested . ’
12 are shorter than everybody else 's and , but this one had a , a cape on with a gold braid which meant he was a big high up one , and he was just absolutely paranoid , I mean they reckon that the Matawa are such fanatics that they are just Greeks , you know they just , you know these ones that just
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