Example sentences of "that they be to " in BNC.

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1 Three years after publisher Robert Maxwell sacked twenty one journalists from the Pergamon Press company , it 's been announced tonight that they 're to be paid thousands of pounds in compensation.The deal brings to an end one of the longest runing disputes in British trade union history .
2 If so , estimate how long this will take , call the candidates for interview that much earlier than you would otherwise have done , and let them know in the letter that they are to be given a tour first .
3 Or that they are to be judges , or police commissioners , or toilet attendants .
4 When the press gets wind of it , the cronyism gives way to abuse of power , as people whose worst offence is to have arranged expensive air trips are smeared with the rumour that they are to be subject to criminal investigation .
5 As for the meaning of dependent conditionals , it is possible and perhaps necessary to say of them , as it is commonly said of " if " statements of various kinds , that they are to be taken as primitive , in the sense of not being open to analytical definition or reductive analysis .
6 Their meaning is such that they are to be distinguished from various other " if " statements , that they have certain logical properties , and that they are entailed by independent nomic conditionals together with further premisses in a way derived from the antecedents of the latter conditionals .
7 Round up all the children , and tell them that they are to be treated to sweets to celebrate the day .
8 Even as a measure of liability , it is of less importance now that shares are almost invariably issued on terms that they are to be fully paid up on or shortly after allotment and are frequently issued at a price exceeding their nominal value .
9 When the arrears are payable , the presumption is that they are to be paid provided there are surplus assets available , whether or not these represent accumulated profits which might have been distributed by way of dividend , but that they are payable only to the date of the commencement of the winding up .
10 Processions commonly or customarily held , and funeral processions are exempt from the notice requirement , presumably because the police will already be fully aware that they are to be held , and do not therefore fall within the ‘ triggering ’ rationale of the requirement .
11 While the expert clause itself may lay down that the parties are to be responsible for the fees and expenses of the expert in equal shares , which is quite common , or that they are to be met by some other party ( see 8.12 ) , the clause itself may not be sufficient to establish the expert 's entitlement unless its terms are clearly incorporated into the expert 's contract to conduct the reference .
12 Er he he he had been , in verse twenty five , now great multitudes were going along with him , and he turned to them and said to them , and you got there what he tell , what he says , he 's talking about discipleship , and of the importance of following him , and the cost that will be involved in following him , and the responsibility of those who follow him , that they are to be salt within their generation , within their environment .
13 It was revealed later that they are to be held outside Liverpool at one of Britain 's four special secure units for child offenders .
14 The ‘ Articles concerning the Charters ’ ordained that they were to be observed in full , including those regarding disafforestment , and read out in every county court four times a year .
15 The islands were well-known for their beauty to the passengers of the steamships passing up and down the Straits , but few of those who leant on their ship 's rail on sultry moonlit evenings , gazing out at the serene islands could ever have conceived that they were to be the site of some of the most catastrophic events that the world has ever seen .
16 By this time , fuel and crew costs had made them uneconomic , and despite rumours that they were to be transferred to Bispham , they were broken up in Marton Depot by 1963 , all except one car .
17 From a narrow accounting point of view , the significant change was that they were to be geared to the introduction of patient ‘ case-mix planning and costing ’ .
18 On the night of their escape , Moses had commanded the Jews to sacrifice a lamb and smear the blood on the doorposts of their homes as a sign that they were to be ‘ passed over ’ by the Angel of Death , who was to bring death to the first born of every Egyptian family .
19 As these teachers realized they were not to get the major posts of responsibility , that their objective career progression had come to an end , that their own subject expertise was being compared unfavourably with that of their colleagues from former grammar schools , and that they were to be allocated the ‘ dirty work ’ of teaching the lower-ability groups in the lower streams — they formed a staff counterculture which set about resisting the initiatives of the head , and they withdrew that commitment and enthusiasm in the classroom that had previously been a major part of their secondary modern identity :
20 He had warned many Champenois that they were to be ready to follow when so commanded and , he wrote , ‘ they willingly agreed ’ .
21 The interpretation for which both the applicant and the Attorney-General contended before the Court of Appeal was that the answer was affirmative ; either because the proceedings for habeas corpus were so firmly imprinted with a civil character that they were to be treated as civil , notwithstanding the essentially criminal nature of the proceedings from which they arose , or because they were of an indeterminate nature , which section 13(2) ( a ) was wide enough to embrace .
22 However as late as 1668 another Roman , Mario Savioni ( c. 1608–1685 ) brought out a book of five-part Madrigali morali e spirituali , explaining that they were to be sung each at the end of one of his previously published Concerti morali and adding that he had ‘ taken care to unite together the aria and the madrigal so as to conform with the character of the concertos ’ .
23 As originally conceived in the White Paper , the main characteristics of the polytechnics were that they were to be large , comprehensive , have an applied philosophy , be primarily teaching institutions with a brief to develop courses in new areas , and their courses were to be validated by the CNAA .
24 It is probably no accident that they were to be found in most classes of urban or other settlements and in military vici .
25 They could n't ignore the fact that they were to part , and neither of them made any attempt to avoid it in conversation .
26 By June 6 about 300 such detainees were being held under light security in Addis Ababa , and the interim government had stated that they were to be tried in the presence of international observers .
27 When it became known that they were to be repatriated , fighting broke out , the gates were forced , and Italian police opened fire after being attacked with stones and planks .
28 It was believed that they were to stage yet another demonstration at the Party conference , this time during tomorrow 's crucially important debate on immigration .
29 Blake realized that they were to be part of some evil black magic ceremony .
30 Was there any feeling when these letters were received that they were to be taken seriously or they were in fact a bluff ?
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