Example sentences of "that had [adv] be " in BNC.

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1 This signalled the arrival of the half of the school that had NOT been early for assembly , who tried to enter the sports hall at the same time as the half that had just been thrown out tried to exit .
2 He was also carrying £70,000 which he was depositing in a bank for payment for the work that had just been completed .
3 RUSTLERS will get the trots if they eat two stolen sheep that had just been given de-worming chemicals , Northumberland police warned .
4 Madame then settled back in her seat and fell into a deep sleep for the rest of the journey , full of good food and wine , and liqueurs , while Ellie stared back out of the window and tried to make some sense of all that had just been said , and all that had just happened .
5 The farmer sent him to keep a flock of larks off a field that had just been set with winter corn : ‘ It was late November or early December ; and when it got dark about half past four time I made my way back to the farm thinking my job was done .
6 But would it not get covered in soot and spoil the clean clothes that had just been washed ?
7 This was to be achieved partly by diversifying exports , but more significantly by creating local industries to manufacture goods that had previously been imported .
8 Too much apple pie ’ , kicked its way into many ears that had previously been unaware of the band 's existence .
9 At the end of the war , under communist control , Yugoslavia became a federation , and Serbia lost not only its dominant position but also large areas that had previously been regarded as part of its territory .
10 Companies that had previously been prepared to pay the Institute 's tuition fees , which are higher than for other professional qualifications , now queried it .
11 But if PRP substitutes for existing pay , it is rarely going to be practicable for the employer to pocket the whole of the saving , since this would imply not only a reduction in the employees ' gross pay , but also an element of risk in remuneration that had previously been assured .
12 Cultivation spread to the edge of forests that had previously been the tiger 's domain , and the forests themselves were clear-felled .
13 For Chicago 's Exhibitors Film Exchange ‘ the Meaning of the Movies ’ was that the benefits and aspiration that had previously been offered by ‘ a dozen agencies ’ were now combined in one form for the motion picture was taking over from painting , sculpture , travel , history and so on .
14 Conclusions about the functions of one hemisphere that had previously been based on observations of the effects of injury could be confirmed by studies that showed that the self-same functions were retained by that hemisphere after section of the callosum , but were not available to the other .
15 As these teachers realized they were not to get the major posts of responsibility , that their objective career progression had come to an end , that their own subject expertise was being compared unfavourably with that of their colleagues from former grammar schools , and that they were to be allocated the ‘ dirty work ’ of teaching the lower-ability groups in the lower streams — they formed a staff counterculture which set about resisting the initiatives of the head , and they withdrew that commitment and enthusiasm in the classroom that had previously been a major part of their secondary modern identity :
16 The pool of enriched BL-29 polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) products was used as a probe to hybridize to filters of the cosmid clones that had previously been isolated with YAC clone y178–3 .
17 Lowland fear of the Highland Scots was another powerful motive for Union , but the effect was to give eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Scotsmen opportunities in the British Empire that had previously been closed to them .
18 The universal franchise and freedom for all political parties saw the development of mass support for socialist and communist parties that had previously been suppressed .
19 Deem gives the example of cuts in teacher training , which had the effect of reducing the opportunities that had previously been available to large numbers of girls who had been considered by their teachers to be , as they put it to Michelle Stanworth , ‘ not university material ’ .
20 Minas Gerais , for example , wanted to gain some of the job-creating benefits of playing host to foreigners that had previously been concentrated around Sao Paolo , and did a deal with Fiat ; Parana acted similarly with Volvo .
21 In the late 1980s , the French CGE-controlled Alcatel NV became the world telecoms number two company ; France 's state-controlled Groupe Bull acquired 42.5 per cent ( March 1987 ) of the US computing firm Honeywell Inc. that had previously been its shareholder ; another French company , Thomson , acquired the TV manufacturing division of America 's General Electric , and joined Philips in competing in television equipment manufacturing against the Japanese .
22 This rule was brought into being following the judgment of Megarry J. in E.M.I . Records Ltd. v. Ian Cameron Wallace Ltd. [ 1983 ] Ch. 59 and substituted ‘ the standard basis ’ and the ‘ indemnity basis ’ of taxation for the party and party , solicitor and own client , indemnity and other bases that had previously been employed .
23 It meant that that summer , despite the pressure of finals , I was able to enjoy human company and gain succour from it , in a way that had previously been denied to me .
24 As a result of these mixed forces the resistance movements that had previously been the exclusive domain of irresolute Annamese intellectuals began , as the decade drew to a close , to stir the mass of the people toiling in the rice fields , the mines arid the rubber plantations .
25 He then proceeded to identify a periglacial cycle which went beyond a relationship between climate and process and attracted some of the criticisms that had previously been levelled at the Davisian ‘ normal ’ cycle .
26 And that in modernity ( probably Giddens is clearest in this statement ) social actors can take cognizance of , and reflect rationally on , rules that had previously been only implicit for them .
27 One consequence of this boom was the large scale corporate invasion of the estate agency sector , a sector that had previously been dominated by mediumD and smallD sized firms .
28 In the countryside farmers began to claim as their own the land that had previously been state-owned .
29 Bulford , where the Avon and the Nine Mile River meet , is just a short distance from Stonehenge , and was one of the first sites on Salisbury Plain to be bought by the War Office at the turn of the century and turned into a garrison , bringing new industry to a village that had previously been dependent on agriculture .
30 Next to it was a somewhat dilapidated structure that had probably been the cart-shed .
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