Example sentences of "that he should [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 Sir Derek , however , sat tight , believing that he should not be blamed for the £215m fraud perpetrated against the company .
2 Wise men thought that he should not be too near old haunts and old friends .
3 When she realised that she was pregnant , her one clear emotion was that he should not know .
4 With the exception of Michael Colborne , everyone within the palace was telling Charles that he should not be getting involved .
5 Still his impression was that he should not return . ’
6 ‘ The English are great lovers of themselves , and of everything belonging to them ’ , wrote the Venetian diplomat Andrea Trevisano at the end of the fifteenth century ; ‘ they think that there are no other men than themselves , and no other world but England ; and whenever they see a handsome foreigner , they say that he ‘ looks like an Englishman' ’ and that ‘ it is a great pity that he should not be an Englishman ’ , words echoed exactly in 1521 by the Scottish scholar John Major ; while the German knight Nicolas von Popplau , who visited England in 1484 , found a people who regarded themselves as the wisest in the world .
7 We are , therefore , anxious that he should not be thrown away in some other role and I hope that any plan he has made will be carefully examined so as to ensure that as far as possible he does not do something foolhardy .
8 He failed to understand why that man was so adamant that he should not approach her .
9 Of course a certain amount of caution is necessary , for how else is the child to learn that he should not put his hand in the fire or stick his finger into an electric socket ?
10 It does not mean , however , that he should not exercise his franchise and vote as he wishes at local government elections , but he should not be a party man otherwise his advice might be regarded as being tainted and the council as a whole , in the end , would cease to have confidence in his advice .
11 But as I say , he unselfishly insisted that he should not be given a place on any scheme in which he had n't taken a personal part .
12 And he entrusted to the curator that he should not allow sale of certain land but [ the foster-child ] should enjoy its income together with his nurses , Sempronia and Maevia .
13 The Tribune Group voted against John Prescott 's challenge to Hattersley for the deputy leadership in 1988 after ruling that he should not be permitted to speak .
14 On the day after President Shagari 's arrival in Britain , one UpN state newspaper reported nothing of the visit , commenting instead in an editorial that he should not have left the country at a time when the doctors were on strike : it had been ‘ unpatriotic ’ for him to do so .
15 HE insisted that the Church has never ruled that a priest should not have sex , only that he should not marry , ’ says Monika ( sic ) Kocanek by way of explaining how she ended up in bed with Fr Christopher O'Neill and then found herself pregnant .
16 At the time of his arrival , the prohibitions of lay investiture and clerical homage must have been fresh in Anselm 's mind , and it is unimaginable that he should not have discussed the whole question with one of the main agents of the new policy .
17 In early December Lancaster attempted to negotiate with the court by sending Ralph Basset and William de Clinton with proposals for a settlement , but they were met with a firm refusal by Edward , who told Lancaster that he should not attempt to bargain with his king .
18 For example , s. 59 FSA 1986 permits the SIB , if it believes any individual is not a fit and proper person , to direct that he should not be employed in connection with investment business by any authorised or exempted person .
19 His opponents , massed in Cable Street , were determined that he should not pass , and 6,000 police were needed to keep order and to make an attempt at clearing the way .
20 The second was that , on theories of jurisdiction then prevailing in the United States , Mexico 's claim to assert personal jurisdiction against a non-resident defendant was regarded as exorbitant ; Judge Hand thought that he should not ‘ aid a foreign tribunal to acquire jurisdiction ’ in these circumstances , a phrase really quite inappropriate , for a civil law system would not regard the service of process as a basis for jurisdiction .
21 A man should be so proud of virility that he should not squander or debase it .
22 A reminder that he should not take it for granted that he would in time succeed to England , Normandy and Anjou ?
23 I made it a rule — which , it is true , he broke from time to time when he had something particularly pressing or intimate to convey — that he should not drop into French while we were together .
24 It was a condition of his bail that he should not approach Bridget Coffey , the complainant .
25 The solicitor contacted by the first defendant and Mr. Morgan for the purposes of the new will , Mr. Burgess , concluded that the deceased lacked testamentary competence and that he should not proceed in the matter .
26 Fairness to his creditors demands that he should not be able to deplete his assets in this way in a deliberate attempt to put them beyond the reach of his creditors .
27 I wanted to hear about the riots in Asyut and found myself leaning forward , anxious that he should not clam up .
28 Those in authority had decided that Marcus should intermit a year of his education , in order to recuperate , and that he should not live with his father , a man of uncertain temper , of whom he had expressed extreme and unreasoning terror .
29 However , Weatherbury people began to protest publicly that he should not be held responsible for the crime .
30 I am not that man , he thought again , straightening up now , for in the next instant it seemed entirely necessary that he should not hide , should visibly walk to the front door and into his library .
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